If you don't post something on here, I'm going to steal you PW and make up a story about a two point you shot but are too embarrassed to post. You got us on a cliff!
The last video was a little weak on deer footage so here is the original video of the 30"er taken in August. What do you guys think...still 30?
The bucks are hard horned now and their habits have changed. They definetely are getting much harder to find and fewer bucks are being seen.
So far I've hunted 7 days and haven't layed eyes on the 30"er. I can't believe it's already the 25th...I want more time with a bow but yet can't wait to carry a rifle.
I'm not done yet with a bow though! Planning on spending 3 more days (Friday-Sunday) looking for the 30"er or the nice cheater buck.
OK, that was worth the wait. All the best this weekend. If you get him now, he's going to be a beauty in the hard-horn. All the best and thanks for sharing.
Apologize for the late update... but I was able to take a pretty good buck with my bow!!!
Not the 30"er but its still a good buck. He's a basket-rack 4pt with three other 2-3 inch points around his bases. He scores ~173".
I've been debating on how and even if to post because unfortunately it was not a clean recovery. The hit was a vital hit (high lung) but rain/hail washed away blood and tracks within hours of the shot. I searched for two consecutive days, my buddy looked the 3rd day, and I found the buck 7 days later when the birds and coyotes had got to him. He was still in full velvet so the birds picked the velvet and coyotes chewed off tips of his left mainbeam and one of his G2's. I hate the outcome as what should have been a great moment turned sour.
I cut up a shed to replace his two chewed tips and sent his antlers in to get artificial velvet which should be done in about a week. I'll post video/pics when I get it back along with some key learnings on finding this buck to hopefully help others in a similiar situation. Sorry there's no pics yet...I just don't want to post pics of him in the condition I found him...but rather when he's restored to his original beauty.