I need some Kifaru and Exo K4 5k Clarity....

Feb 26, 2023
Spoiler Alert: This is not going to be another Exo vs Kifaru vs whatever brand pack thread (nothing wrong with those, but not what this is about).

Background for context:
I currently run a 24in Kifaru Tactical frame, composite semiflat stays, short shoulder straps and an X-small belt, bag is the Hoodlum. This is my first Kifaru pack and I switched from an Exo K3 4800. I like trying different things and switched to try Kifaru based on the research and testimony of others. I was drawn to the ability to add and take away customizations (think pouches, pockets, sherman, ect...). I haven't used it on a hunt or heavy load. I fit the pack with 35-40lbs watching the kifaru videos and even calling and sending in pictures to Kifaru to get pro tips. Today I took a hike around the neighborhood with my day hunt load out which weighed about 23lbs. The belt is amazing! The problem then occurred....

My problem:
The shoulder straps seem to pinch or rub my traps/neck. This wasn't noticeable till the walk today after wearing the pack for a bit. I don't feel "weight" per see on my shoulders but there is "pressure" on the inside edge. I still have a hands breadth gap as the fit videos suggest. The problem stems from the way the straps lay along my shoulders as they seem to lean towards my body, rather than fall in the slope of my traps and shoulders away from the body. Another Rokslider posted on this and I tabbed the photo for reference as a picture says more than my description. That thread didn't answer my problem as I had already made all the adjustment suggestions on that thread through my fitment with Kifaru customer service help. The picture is a reference of the strap lean only (from the other thread), my sliders are lower.
You can see the natural slant towards the neck. I'm concerned if I load up 50+ lbs this problem will become exponentially worse. I tried loosening and adjusting the load lifters and shoulder straps during the hike without much help at all.

Kifaru Owners:
Is this normal? Will it loosen up and relax over time? Some have suggested these shoulder straps come stiff and settle after a break in. Did you find this to be the case? I have watched all the fit videos from kifaru and this particular question isn't addressed.

Exo K4 5K Owners:
Do the shoulder straps fit differently? My last Exo K3 shoulders seemed to fit me well and "float". Is the K4 similar? Also how much head clearance do you have? Many of the promotional materials seem to demonstrate the 5K bag sitting really high on the back, to the point where the pack lid sits at the base the neck and would seem to limit the head clearance. You can see this in the pictures comparing the "compressed" vs "expanded". The bags seem narrow and tall. Is there truth to this? I really like the Kifaru head clearance I currently have and would hope the Exo is similar.

Why I need clarity from Kifaru and Exo owners:
If I can't solve my problem I'll being selling/trading my kifaru set up, which I don't want to do as I really want to like the pack. If so the K4 is at the top of the list (based on my K3 experience, which is why the Exo clarity is helpful).

Thank you all for your input.
How tall are you with your 24" frame? Only reason I ask is, it looks like your lifters are tight to the shoulder straps and fairly low, meaning you wouldn't get much lift. I could see your lifters being too tight and pulling the shoulder straps up and allowing them to rub your neck. May just be the angle of the photo.. Not sure if that is part of the problem, but I haven't personally experienced what you are speaking to. Used the pack 2 years totaling roughly 80 days. Mostly with day-hunts, a few 1-3 nighters, half a bear and 4 days camp and a few front/hind elk loads.
I’m 5’9’’. The pic above is not my pack but something I found to reference the shoulder straps. I’ll send some pics of my pack tonight when I get off work
You can “lengthen” the shoulder straps by moving them further up on the frame a bit which would move that curve lower on the front of your body. You’d of course have to adjust the load lifter position after doing so.
Put around 25lbs in your pack and put it on…..take a side profile pic and that will help provide some ideas on fitment
A picture from the front and side would be helpful.

And for the OP, reference the pack fitting videos on YouTube. They are helpful.

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Pics posted. The current fit refelcts watching the videos from kifaru as well as talking with their customer service directly. The way it sits and feels is good. I don't feel weight on my shoulders. There is a hands gap along my shoulder blade as the kifaru videos and customer service suggested. You can see in the picture front facing that I have drawn on where the straps run horizontal as my shoulders slope. It's at this contact point I get the pressure. The triglides for load lifters sit at my clavicles.

These pics were taken with 43lbs in the pack distributed evenly in the pack.IMG_7295.JPGIMG_7296.jpgIMG_7298.jpgIMG_7300.jpgIMG_7303.jpg
My own personal preference is to loosen the shoulder straps a bit and lower the chest strap to your nipple line, or close to it. The sole purpose of the chest strap is to keep the shoulder straps from getting into your arm pits. I typically can keep the shoulder straps mostly off my shoulders until 40- 50 pounds. I then use the load.lifters to control the bounce off of my back.

Keep in mind, everyone is slightly different, but the basics should apply.

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I have the exact frame model/specs/sizes running a Stryker XL. However I am 5'7. I've loaded to 75lbs and have not experienced this issue, but I do see what your drawing indicates.

It appears your load lifters are positioned on the shoulder straps as far down as they will go. Is that correct?

Someone else asked this as well...Have you tried adjusting the height of the shoulder straps, perhaps outside of the normal recommendation? I used the videos as a guide then tuned mine (weighted) according to feel.

I will go look my setup over and see if I can think of anything else.
To me the waist belt looks below your illicit crest and the back of the shoulder straps have no gap between them and the back of your shoulders. I keep my belt center right on my illiac crest and have a gap on the back of my shoulder straps.
Now on my sg the shoulder straps fit tight on the back.
I would say put 60 pounds in it and get 20 plus miles on it. Then see how you feel.

You shoulders look hunched forward, if that is your noemal posture and you don't care, the just ignore this. But, pull your shoulders back and up, open up your chest. It may feel odd at first, but your spine and organs will thank you in 20 years.

Some K4 pictures. I tried hunching my shoulders in some and it starts to look similar to your pictures. I even readjusted the load lifters and shoulder harness in the hunched shoulders ones.

I have no issue with head clearance, it certainly looks like I have more clearance than I do when my shoulders are hunched.

For reference, I'm 5'10" 176 pounds whith 25 inch stays in the Exo.


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Thank you all for the responses. The fit on the Kifaru is better. I changed belts to one size up and adjust the chest strap. It’s helped a bit and sits better to me. I’ve loaded it up to 64lbs and it seems to have resolved my original issue. For comparison sake I also bought a k4. I’m not sure what to keep. I like both for different reasons. Weirdly it feels as the though no matter how much a tighten it down the Kifaru hoodlum sways when I walk. It’s the like bag shifts from side to side. I don’t get that with k4. The bag layout is preferred on the k4. However the tactical padding is a dream on the frame of the Kifaru. It’s really comfortable. I also prefer the lumbar pad on the Kifaru over the K4. Sometimes it feels as though the k4 lumbar pad slips a bit. I’m going to do some more testing before i figure out which to keep.
I wish I could keep both. I have some trips coming up and would likely not use them for different things. I have a feeling one would just sit there. I am going to New Zealand next year for a stag hunt and getting $700 for a pack would cover a decent chunk of an animal cost….
As @Marbles suggests- load to 60-70lbs and put in 20 miles with each pack. That will help you decide with to keep.

For a quick load up I drop a 50lb bag of sand or cement into a contractor trash bag, tape it up, load it like you would load your meat. I seem to like my loads higher than most so I put a bear proof food canister at the bottom of my shelf and set the sandbag on top of that. Then add 10/15/25 lb weight plates to reach my desired weight. This is denser weight than actual loads afield, but it teaches me a lot about my pack system.

I think apples to apples would be comparing the Duplex Lite and the K4. The Tactical is designed to be stiffer than either of those frames which may contribute to the side to side shifting because the Tac. frame doesn't flex much. Or maybe your attached pouches are flopping side to side.
I plan to do a lot more testing for sure. They both really are great packs and I know both will work awesome. I can’t really go wrong which is a positive.