I keep reading about these bulls people are tagging and not finding....


Jul 30, 2021
best to learn to enjoy seeing the animal walk past when there really is no opportunity for a high % shot rather than slinging an arrow or bullet at it.....is this really a discussion of ethics or a discussion of self control and knowing what your ACTUAL ability is.
I'm reading some of these comments from people who couldn't recover an animal they've wounded, and yet go on to take the chance at doing that same thing to a second animal. I didn't even think that was legal? A wounded Elk in Unit 8 (Kodiak), or wounded Black Bear in units 1-5 in SE Alaska counts towards your bag limit. Wound an animal, or draw blood in Africa and that animal belongs to you. Just a thought to ponder.


Oct 14, 2020
I'm reading some of these comments from people who couldn't recover an animal they've wounded, and yet go on to take the chance at doing that same thing to a second animal. I didn't even think that was legal? A wounded Elk in Unit 8 (Kodiak), or wounded Black Bear in units 1-5 in SE Alaska counts towards your bag limit. Wound an animal, or draw blood in Africa and that animal belongs to you. Just a thought to ponder.
I’ve met some questionable hunters both in skill and morals. Same with fisherman.


Dec 6, 2020
Very interesting read. Some really good thoughts / perspective's.

Every year I spend some quality time at the range practicing. When hunting season starts I am pretty familiar with what my effective range is. Even then, each day is different. Quality of rest, weather, etc all effect ones ability.

For me when I'm hunting it is not a time to "try" a shot. I like it when my mind says "I've got this.".

My approach is to let my conscience decide when to pull the trigger. I focus on the process of aiming and not the trigger.

There have been times I've let an animal walk and afterwards I've seconded guessed myself. I could have made that shot...... But something at the time told me different. I'd rather regret not taking a shot than regret taking a bad one.

These are things I do. I have a lot of respect for the game I hunt. That is me.

I like it that there are others that have those same values. I except that there are those that do not and I have little to no control over that.

We are also human, and we make mistakes. Stuff happens. If you hold yourself on too high of a pedestal, understand it is going to be a long way down when the day comes.

To date I can say that I have recovered every game animal I've shot at with the exception of one. The one was a complete miss.

For a long time I didn't count the miss and said every animal I've shot. My logic was the miss didn't count because I didn't shoot that animal. That is why I've changed my statement from shot to shot at.

My bad judgment that day still counts against my record. I am thankful the animal didn't have to suffer because of my mistake and I learned something going forward.

Just like drivers, there are those that are exceptional at it to those that shouldn't be on the road. Even the best can have a wreak. It isn't an excuse, it is reality.