I hear baldwin walked....

I really hate that guy and it pains me to say it, but I don't think it was his fault. It's a movie, it's supposed to be fake. Is some nitwit actor supposed to check every round and make sure it's not live? What if you're shooting Rambo 10 and he fires 50k rounds by the end of the movie? How about a mini gun or a belt fed machine gun? They have no idea what to look for. I can see him being responsible since it was his movie and they were messing around with live ammo after they were done shooting the movie but he shouldn't have had to worry about live rounds in what is supposed to be pretend. With CGI they shouldn't even be using real guns in movies anyway.
Yea it's his fault, it's total stupidity to be shooting live rounds then turn around and forget to check the gun. Why in the world are set guns even able to fire live ammo. " never point it at something you don't intend to kill". He'll I wouldn't even point a red Ryder at some one. I know there is a possibility of a projectile leaving that barrel.
Yea it's his fault, it's total stupidity to be shooting live rounds then turn around and forget to check the gun. Why in the world are set guns even able to fire live ammo. " never point it at something you don't intend to kill". He'll I wouldn't even point a red Ryder at some one. I know there is a possibility of a projectile leaving that barrel.
Can you post the source that he was shooting live rounds?
I am trying to find any of the things I read that suggested it. Haven't yet, but found this in short order.
The detective said that she received a statement from Mr. Reed in mid-November saying that he had worked with Mr. Kenney on another set in August or September where the actors were trained “for live fire with firearms, conducted on a firearms range,” and that Mr. Kenney had asked him to bring extra live ammunition in case they ran out.

“Thell stated he did bring an ‘ammo can’ with live ammunition from a friend,” the affidavit said, “and this ammunition was not factory made rounds.” Mr. Reed said that the can had contained “approximately 200-300 rounds,” the document said.
Next search found this.
Reed told investigators that Kenney had asked him to bring live ammunition for actor training with live rounds at a firing range, according to the affidavit for the warrant filed by the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office.

Reed's statement said Kenney already had live ammo but thought he might run out, according to the filing. Reed said he brought a can filled with as many as 300 rounds, it says.
It's a movie, they are literally paid to point guns at each other on purpose. I just don't think the normal rules of gun handling apply in this situation. What I do think he is responsible for is allowing any live rounds on set. He had knowledge of this and as the producer he should have fired everyone involved for such a gross safety violation. When this story first came out, I read they were messing around shooting targets in the desert after they quit for the day. The whole industry is sickening to me. They all want guns taken away from us, but glorify gun violence in all their movies and make millions.
Is it impossible to fix weapons to only accept blank rounds which are generally shorter. I know there may be some exceptions, but that could also be worked around.
It's a movie, they are literally paid to point guns at each other on purpose. I just don't think the normal rules of gun handling apply in this situation. What I do think he is responsible for is allowing any live rounds on set. He had knowledge of this and as the producer he should have fired everyone involved for such a gross safety violation. When this story first came out, I read they were messing around shooting targets in the desert after they quit for the day. The whole industry is sickening to me. They all want guns taken away from us, but glorify gun violence in all their movies and make millions.

They had been firing live rounds on set, that was all reported. They also had several people quit and filed some sort of dangerous condition work reports because there had been several live fire accidents prior to this.
The only way he isn’t responsible is if the weapon was fake or had been made inoperable, this wasn’t a prop gun it was real. Just because they live in a fantasy world and pretend to be other people doesn’t exclude them from consequences everyone of of would be in jail for if we had done the same thing.

We have law enforcement officers and active military members jailed regularly because someone was killed while they were doing their jobs.