If you live in a world of make believe, acting, stunts, "fake guns","blanks"....and you don't know any different, then you don't know what you don't know.... ie if actor/actress has only known blanks and fake guns on sets, without real safety training, then is it a surprise an accident occurred?
I havent followed this in the media, so many of you know alot more than I, but while it's obvious to any of us "normal gun owners", clearly the practices, norms and behaviors on this set were not safe.....but if none of them knew the safe way to do it (I am not defending what happened), then it creates an environment predisposed to error.
It's like in other industries when some terrible accident/event occurs, often culminating in a decision or action by one person, when a "root cause analysis" is performed you uncover a series of errors that leads to event (and not just that single action); lack of understanding, poor safety protocols, misinformed decisions that lead to conclusions of not "if" and a event would have occurred, but "when", meaning odds are it's going to happen again unless systematic changes are made.
I am not defending him, or the reported practices on that set, and again it seems obvious to any responsible gun owner/hunter about how to handle a weapon...but I am not an actor, armorer, judge or attorney, and I wasn't there. Now if they were told one thing, and independently did the opposite/violated protocol, that's a different story.
I have to take hunters safety courses and additionally archery safety course in some states, to hunt. Is there an industry standard for amorers, actors and set directors of safety tests they must pass and keep updated?
What I don't understand is how seemingly all discussions these days devolve into politics ALL the time, that only divides us further, and not sure that adds anything constructive to a disscussion....Aflluent people with legal issues ALL THE TIME utilize money and power to avoid trials/plea deal/settle out of court, regardless of their political affiliations, and that sucks.
Sad, sad situation and senseless death.