I dont understand the hostility towards wolf reintroduction in Colorado

Now would be a good time to understand why CO should not have unmanageable alpha predators on the landscape. Diversity is great amongst a population, especially when the population is aligned towards one goal. No one cares who is out there, along as they respect the system that makes it possible. Once the infighting begins its over. I still believe you are only trolling.
I think the crux of the discussion is wether they can be managed or not. i dont think anyone would have an issue if there was a management plan for them. or a path towards one.
come on man. it’s obvious you aren’t here to learn about other folks perspectives. you are dismissive and sarcastic when someone offers a perspective that you don’t agree with.

this is a troll job…
sarchasm is my language. im activly looking into the information people here have been sharing
I think the crux of the discussion is wether they can be managed or not. i dont think anyone would have an issue if there was a management plan for them. or a path towards one.
There is a management plan, WOLVES WILL NEVER BE MANAGED. Now that you know that are you satiated?
Bro, Bruv, Homie and Dawg is how you’re referring to people responding to your post? Without reviewing the material presented? It’s obvious you didn’t research anything prior to the post just to fill a boring Tuesday for you. And also obvious you have no respect for those responding.
See what wolves have done to Idaho and Washington elk herds. If you’re still supportive or confused after that then I’m not sure what to say. I think you’re just here to argue without actually taking anything in.
I think the crux of the discussion is wether they can be managed or not. i dont think anyone would have an issue if there was a management plan for them. or a path towards one.
Once they are established, I don't believe they can be managed, at least not in remote mountainous terrain. Idaho has an unlimited season on wolf hunting. Each year, about 300-500 wolf harvests are reported, and there is no noticeable difference in the wolf population. They say that since reintroduction, it has only declined in the last 2 years, and it is still 9x greater than the original reintroduction recovery goal.
I agree that predators should be managed.
They won’t be managed

In the east side of Oregon the wolf populations have surpassed population goal levels. At that time there is supposed to be a management plan.

Guess what?

No plan

Oregon, California, Washington, and Colorado all have wildlife boards/comissions that either all have been or are in the process of being stacked full of anti hunter members.

The biologists can make suggestions, but these wildlife board members really set the agenda.

So as a fellow hunter does this post help you understand why quite a few hunters feel the way they do?
Once they are established, I don't believe they can be managed, at least not in remote mountainous terrain. Idaho has an unlimited season on wolf hunting. Each year, about 300-500 wolf harvests are reported, and there is no noticeable difference in the wolf population. They say that since reintroduction, it has only declined in the last 2 years, and it is still 9x greater than the original reintroduction recovery goal.
I think they would be much easier to manage in Colorado due to the lack of vast and wide open wilderness we have here. Which is also why I believe their impact will be greater on the landscape in Colorado, which is sad.
So a guy obviously new to hunting comes on and asks for different perspectives, and the majority of the responses are the opposite of helpful, sarcastic, bashing, and in many cases rude.

He has had some sarcastic responses, (like many from the rest of you), but has admitted he doesn't have all the info and stated multiple times he would look into points people brought up.

I think the bashing and general assholeness of most of the responses on here are ridiculous and pitiful. Why not explain your perspective and try to educate in a non confrontational way.

For the record, I do not support the wolf reintroduction, and am no fan of wolves. But lets try something new and not be a bunch of dicks with someone who admittedly lacks perspective.
They won’t be managed

In the east side of Oregon the wolf populations have surpassed population goal levels. At that time there is supposed to be a management plan.

Guess what?

No plan

Oregon, California, Washington, and Colorado all have wildlife boards/comissions that either all have been or are in the process of being stacked full of anti hunter members.

The biologists can make suggestions, but these wildlife board members really set the agenda.

So as a fellow hunter does this post help you understand why quite a few hunters feel the way they do?
Idaho met population objectives within a couple years of introduction (1997ish) and we didn't get a hunting season until 2010ish. Largely the reason that they were even delisted is due to Federal budget cuts.
So a guy obviously new to hunting comes on and asks for different perspectives, and the majority of the responses are the opposite of helpful, sarcastic, bashing, and in many cases rude.

He has had some sarcastic responses, (like many from the rest of you), but has admitted he doesn't have all the info and stated multiple times he would look into points people brought up.

I think the bashing and general assholeness of most of the responses on here are ridiculous and pitiful. Why not explain your perspective and try to educate in a non confrontational way.

For the record, I do not support the wolf reintroduction, and am no fan of wolves. But lets try something new and not be a bunch of dicks with someone who admittedly lacks perspective.
Trolls deserve no leeway!
So is this how I get my reaction count up and I can get my WKR status back? I can make up some goofy ass thread to fire up the crowd if so
So a guy obviously new to hunting comes on and asks for different perspectives, and the majority of the responses are the opposite of helpful, sarcastic, bashing, and in many cases rude.

He has had some sarcastic responses, (like many from the rest of you), but has admitted he doesn't have all the info and stated multiple times he would look into points people brought up.

I think the bashing and general assholeness of most of the responses on here are ridiculous and pitiful. Why not explain your perspective and try to educate in a non confrontational way.

For the record, I do not support the wolf reintroduction, and am no fan of wolves. But lets try something new and not be a bunch of dicks with someone who admittedly lacks perspective.
I appreciate the comment. What angle does your opposition to wolves stem from. is it the ranching angle?
Once they are established, I don't believe they can be managed, at least not in remote mountainous terrain. Idaho has an unlimited season on wolf hunting. Each year, about 300-500 wolf harvests are reported, and there is no noticeable difference in the wolf population. They say that since reintroduction, it has only declined in the last 2 years, and it is still 9x greater than the original reintroduction recovery goal.
This is great food for thought