Couple of you wanted me to share my insight and results after starting P90X3 a month ago! I am blown away at the changes my body has made in just 30 days!!! I still have two more months to go! I think what makes this program so great is the mixture of strength training, cardio, pilates, upper body, lower body! I think that's what makes results working all the muscles of the body! Something I failed to do before and was kind of against! I know its cliché and SO FALSE ( I have learned) but I thought as a girl its not ideal to workout with weights! I didn't want to look like hulk was my excuse but in reality if you don't strength train you wont see the best results all that muscle has to be tone! So anyways enough with the ramble here are my 30 day results! Oh and ill only say it once but if someone is interested you can purchase fitness programs like you can purchase them at http://www.beachbodycoach.com/MissDesaraebecause I am a coach for them due to my firm trust in their products