Hunting with Migraines

You guys need a headache doctor. Not just a regular MD but one that specializes in headache management. There are bunch of not sedating medications regimens that work in reducing frequency and severity of headaches in many folks. yes in some circumstances Botox is really effective.
Additional triggers for me: strong smells, hunger, pink curing salt, STRESS is a huge one.

I think stress is the base trigger. Stress, caffeine, alcohol all constrict the blood vessels in your brain. Sumatriptan opens the vessels.

I've found that certain things don't always give me migraines, but compounded with stress, they are just enough to push me over the edge.

There have been periods in my life where I could drink alcohol. But recently,if I have half a beer I will get a migraine. At other periods of my life, I could have two or three and be fine.

During my house building process, I've had as many as two or three in a week.

Taking pills right away definitely can knock them out before they get bad. I will usually start with 3 asprin and if that doesn't work I'll go to the sumatriptan.

You can talk to a neurologist if they bug you enough. They proscribed me some kind of seizure medicine that I took for about three days and then said this crap isn't worth it - mood swings, no appetite, and when I totally wasn't acting like myself with my wife I said this isn't worth it.

I've been taking propranolol for a while now, which seems to help. No side effects really.
After the house is done, I'd like to get off all the meds and hopefully be able to have a beer again without paying for it.
Are the shanks cured? There are certain smoked/ cured meats that will trigger my wife’s migraines. I’ve always suspected it was one of the curing agents that caused it.

I’m not sure. They’re like hot wings except shanks. Very good, but not worth the migraine lol

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Thanks for all the info guys,
I've had them since I was 15, so almost 40 years worth. Although the headache was worse went I was younger they used to only happen a couple times a year, but as of late I get them a couple times a month, haven't figured out the cause(s) yet, they sure suck.
Wow. She has to be a tough woman. That’s brutal. All the best to her and hopefully the shock therapy helps.

I saw another thread where someone mentioned Dr Hillary Lampers and Neurocranial Reconstruction. It sounds pretty crazy but apparently it can work.
I have a mutual friend to Dr. Hillary Lampers and she has had some amazing results. I would definitely reach out to her if I had frequent issues.
Constant migraine suffer here. Aura, hemplegic as well, so I get complete stroke symptoms. complete loss of use of one side of the body. I use to take prescription 50mg of "nortriptyline'' every night. While on that medication my migraines were cut down by 80 percent. It was a life changer. Though my wife noticed I was a monster and completely moody on it. This does not happen to everyone. I stopped the medication and my mood has returned to normal. But migraines returned. I now keep red bulls handy as caffeine will help. Also prescription "rizatriptan" on me at all times. This is one of the faster acting triptans. Take as soon as aura hits.

Talk with your MD Give the nortriptyline a shot.
Its wild how many get them, I had no idea. Mine are not as severe as a lot here. It kills the day for me, but I usually am back to 90 percent or better the following day. Dehydration and stress seem to be the combination that gets me. I started getting them at age 10 or so. They were much worse and more frequent then. I have had 1 or 2 a year for the last decade so feel fortunate. Now I know the symptoms and immediately take excedrin and lay down and close my eyes. If my vision starts blurring before my head hurts, I'm done for. If I get a headache first, it never turns into a migraine that affects my vision 🤷‍♂️ I also get insanely hungry after its gone
I have the same issue. I’ve not been able to pinpoint any triggers except for one. They’re completely random from what I can tell except if I go to a certain restaurant and eat their pork shanks. It’s guaranteed I’ll get a migraine that night or the next day lol.

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That's the craziest thing!

Pork shanks don't do it, but I distinctly remember getting 2 migraines, each after drinking a Stout
I get them as well. I've vomited and laid in bed praying it would go away more times than I can count. I get so bad that if I move at all laying in bed, I vomit. Don't think people who don't get them really appreciate how bad they suck.

Nothing much you can do in the backcountry to avoid them, or anywhere for that matter. Stay well hydrated, keep eating, and try not to get incredibly exhausted. Avoid your triggers - smoke, msg, alcohol, caffeine for me, exhaustion. Make sure you always have some pills with you. A neurologist told me that taking three Aspirin is almost as effective as taking a Sumatriptan. You can take both at once. I've also upped my Sumatriptan to 100 mg from 50, which seems to work a bit better. I'll cut them in half and only take ~50 mg if it is just a small one sometimes.

I had one while packing out my first archery elk. It was the second day - second load of meat carried out. I went in with my wife and was fine right up until we got to the kill. By the time we left the kill, I was so out of it that I took a single Excedrin thinking it was my migraine pill. Didn't realize it until I got home and looked at all the pills in my bottle. That was a miserable walk back to the truck and drive back home. Practically unbearable pain for the ride home. Think it was triggered by dehydration and exhaustion.
Yep. Always pisses me off when someone says they have a migraine but they are completely functional going about their day. I'm like, "no you don't, you have a headache."

That's good to know about the aspirin. I was unaware. I always take sumatriptan with advil or generic ibuprofen.

Sounds miserable. I have luckily not got one out on a hunt, but I have got one on a hike and by the time I got back to my truck I couldn't make coherent sentences. Scary as hell.
Stouts dont bother me, but too much red wine will trigger a migraine for me. Apparently its the histamines in the wine - at least according to my Dr.
Two large glasses is fine, 3 will definitely trigger a migraine within 8 hrs.
Additional triggers for me: strong smells, hunger, pink curing salt, STRESS is a huge one.

I think stress is the base trigger. Stress, caffeine, alcohol all constrict the blood vessels in your brain. Sumatriptan opens the vessels.

I've found that certain things don't always give me migraines, but compounded with stress, they are just enough to push me over the edge.

There have been periods in my life where I could drink alcohol. But recently,if I have half a beer I will get a migraine. At other periods of my life, I could have two or three and be fine.

During my house building process, I've had as many as two or three in a week.

Taking pills right away definitely can knock them out before they get bad. I will usually start with 3 asprin and if that doesn't work I'll go to the sumatriptan.

You can talk to a neurologist if they bug you enough. They proscribed me some kind of seizure medicine that I took for about three days and then said this crap isn't worth it - mood swings, no appetite, and when I totally wasn't acting like myself with my wife I said this isn't worth it.

I've been taking propranolol for a while now, which seems to help. No side effects really.
After the house is done, I'd like to get off all the meds and hopefully be able to have a beer again without paying for it.
I hear ya man. Stress is the only thing that is a guarantee for me. I think the stress + caffeine is potentially a bad combo for me as well.

Luckily I really don't drink anymore as my wife quit drinking and I've stopped to support her. I'm better off anyway, so no loss there.

My wife used to work for a neuro clinic. They had lots of patients that came in for botox. Not sure why I never went in myself.
Constant migraine suffer here. Aura, hemplegic as well, so I get complete stroke symptoms. complete loss of use of one side of the body. I use to take prescription 50mg of "nortriptyline'' every night. While on that medication my migraines were cut down by 80 percent. It was a life changer. Though my wife noticed I was a monster and completely moody on it. This does not happen to everyone. I stopped the medication and my mood has returned to normal. But migraines returned. I now keep red bulls handy as caffeine will help. Also prescription "rizatriptan" on me at all times. This is one of the faster acting triptans. Take as soon as aura hits.

Talk with your MD Give the nortriptyline a shot.
Man, that's brutal.

That's what scares me with them so much is the stroke-like symptoms. I get those occasionally in a "lite" way in that sometimes I have a hard time putting together sentences or words. Which in turn can prompt a panic attack, which just makes everything worse.

Good note on the meds.
Yep. Always pisses me off when someone says they have a migraine but they are completely functional going about their day. I'm like, "no you don't, you have a headache."

That's good to know about the aspirin. I was unaware. I always take sumatriptan with advil or generic ibuprofen.

Sounds miserable. I have luckily not got one out on a hunt, but I have got one on a hike and by the time I got back to my truck I couldn't make coherent sentences. Scary as hell.

Yeah, I've had my hand go numb and can't remember words and talk properly.

The doctor told me that as long as the numbness goes away, it's a "normal" symptom.
That's the craziest thing!

Pork shanks don't do it, but I distinctly remember getting 2 migraines, each after drinking a Stout

That’s funny. I might drink a beer once every 3 months or so. I found a Bourbon Cream Stout from a local brewery and both times I tried it (many months apart) I got a migraine that night or next day.

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Best thing is prevention, know your triggers, one of mine is chewing gum. One way that has been very effective is to use a foam roller, or a massage gun to loosen up my back and neck muscles. Wearing sunglasses, staying hydrated and rested also help me prevent them, and STRETCH, all muscle groups every day, even when elk hunting I try to get off my feet and take a power nap and stretch in the middle of the day. If you exercise I highly recommend doing yoga once a week, it will loosen up your body and most importantly your spine, your muscles along your spine can create tension on your nerves, especially in your neck, as a result headaches and migraines can ensue.

When I feel one coming on I have found caffeine, ibuprofen and/or Tylenol help. Most of all getting out of the light and sleeping it off.

There are other treatments that have mixed results such as acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic therapy that can help. Be careful with chiropractors though, some are hack jobs, others are legit.

One last thing, start taking magnesium supplements every day they will help. My neurologist recommended that to me and it has made a big difference.
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