Help me out here. Some say that there are stages of hunter development:
1) Shooting Stage · 2) Limiting Out Stage · 3) Trophy Stage · 4) Method Stage · 5) Sportsman Stage · 6) “Give-Back” Stage
I got my first hunters ed card in '78 so I predate this teaching. Haven't heard it before or forgot I ever heard it.
Guess the shooting and limiting are first. Most folks like to make a kill when they hunt, or they wouldn't carry a gun, bow, ML. We never leave these "stages". Without them, we are not hunters.
Trophy hunting is always shown as the pinnacle of hunting - they have restraint/self control, knowledge to get on the biggest critters, able to make the shots, etc. Most trophy hunters I know or have seen on YouTube will do whatever it takes to make the kill, so the Sportsman aspect is sometimes fleeting.
There were/are always guys who preferred the method to the hunt or the kill, but not everyone gets that attached to a method or technique. These are the guys in buckskins with a flintlock ML. In love with the idea of the ML, not the hunt. Possibly the LR guys fall into this? Some archery guys do - you can tell by mentioning x-bow and seeing if they fly into a tizzy.
There are some folks who are sportsmen first and foremost. They'll give ground when they encounter you in the woods, share info, and seem to have it all together. Not threatened by you or threatening to you. This is more or a mindset vs a stage. These guys aren't uber competitive.
There are a lot of guys who are gung-ho to give stuff back on day 1 but the other hunters usually turn on them and choke it out of them. This was true pre-internet and is surely true now. We also have more groups willing to take your money so you feel good about giving.
1) Shooting Stage · 2) Limiting Out Stage · 3) Trophy Stage · 4) Method Stage · 5) Sportsman Stage · 6) “Give-Back” Stage
I got my first hunters ed card in '78 so I predate this teaching. Haven't heard it before or forgot I ever heard it.
Guess the shooting and limiting are first. Most folks like to make a kill when they hunt, or they wouldn't carry a gun, bow, ML. We never leave these "stages". Without them, we are not hunters.
Trophy hunting is always shown as the pinnacle of hunting - they have restraint/self control, knowledge to get on the biggest critters, able to make the shots, etc. Most trophy hunters I know or have seen on YouTube will do whatever it takes to make the kill, so the Sportsman aspect is sometimes fleeting.
There were/are always guys who preferred the method to the hunt or the kill, but not everyone gets that attached to a method or technique. These are the guys in buckskins with a flintlock ML. In love with the idea of the ML, not the hunt. Possibly the LR guys fall into this? Some archery guys do - you can tell by mentioning x-bow and seeing if they fly into a tizzy.
There are some folks who are sportsmen first and foremost. They'll give ground when they encounter you in the woods, share info, and seem to have it all together. Not threatened by you or threatening to you. This is more or a mindset vs a stage. These guys aren't uber competitive.
There are a lot of guys who are gung-ho to give stuff back on day 1 but the other hunters usually turn on them and choke it out of them. This was true pre-internet and is surely true now. We also have more groups willing to take your money so you feel good about giving.