Hunting Partner


Mar 30, 2018
I have found that by going diy I meet up with other solo diy. I now have a long range friend from Washington I met in Montana who I text or call weekly. We solo hunted but one day I went with him to try for archery antelope.
I also met a solo fisherman from California. We text regularly.
I have also found when you solo hunt you have better odds of getting on private property. I have permission to hunt a huge ranch in Wyoming anytime I want.
I love solo hunting because I can do what I want when I want. I find that when I’m on day 11 and hunting has been not so great I treat the next day as if my first day. I’m a early riser and a go getter and my feet may be hurting but I will heal when I get home.
When your living in a tent and it’s freezing cold you find out how big of a hunter you really are.


Apr 7, 2018
If you're wife has any interest in hunting,and has passion for backpacking...take her. Best hunting partner I have found is a friend with great backpacking and backcountry knowledge, but a generally casual eastern hunter. Western hunting struck a chord with him and he's become a great hunting partner that is reliable. First trip solo is a big step, but don't stay home because no one else wants to go.