Hunting near US/Mexico border

Following this. I've considered purchasing some property down there for hunting.
Texas, I've seen some REALLY awesome bucks down in that country. LaSalle County (Laredo) is referred to a "Muy Grande" country....and they ain't kidding!
But getting far enough away from the border to avoid the problem, you probably need to stop land shopping up around Waco! LOL!
Our youngest lives down there and loves it, but is spooky aware of the situation, can and HAS handled contact with aliens.
Being bilingual helps tremendously.
I didn’t have the stomach to tell the 70 year old man and his early teen grandkids too bad. I’ve got a lot of things I’ll have to answer for one day, but it’s not going to be for not giving someone water when they needed it.

If someone wants to come and charge me for it so be it.

Situational awareness is exactly what I spoke of in my post. I completely agree that helping someone could put you at risk, but I’ll argue that not helping someone in a life threatening situation puts YOU at risk for something greater.

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Never said it was easy.
It's just the legalities of the situation.
Again, it will be the discretion of the arresting officer whether to file charges or not.

"emotion" - doing what feels "right"
"reality" - prison and no guns

The situation those people are in is NOT your fault. They got there on their own, fully aware of the implications they may face.
Que sera, sera!
Something many of us have done down here is to leave a milk crate full of old plastic jugs filled water and a small ice chest with random surplus food that you aren’t counting on for yourself. That way if you’re lucky they might not break into your truck looking for it and you never gave anything to anyone, they just took it. As disturbing as some of these activities being talked about are just remember if people were getting hurt or killed by all these folks coming up you’d hear about it. They don’t want anything like that to happen because it would kill their livelihood. They do their best to steer clear of you and vice versa. Mutual understanding.
Never said it was easy.
It's just the legalities of the situation.
Again, it will be the discretion of the arresting officer whether to file charges or not.

"emotion" - doing what feels "right"
"reality" - prison and no guns

The situation those people are in is NOT your fault. They got there on their own, fully aware of the implications they may face.
Que sera, sera!

Have you personally been in that situation?

Emotion isn’t always a bad thing. We’re not robots. Reality is that the situation I’m talking about is real life. Not hypotheticals on the internet.

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Have you personally been in that situation?
In the past people were charged for giving aid. It became quite the political issue but I don’t think anyone is getting arrested or charged for that at all these days. Just look at all the randos on the border setting up camps for these people. We still have yard signs up all over stating “humanitarian aid is not a crime”.
In the past people were charged for giving aid. It became quite the political issue but I don’t think anyone is getting arrested or charged for that at all these days. Just look at all the randos on the border setting up camps for these people. We still have yard signs up all over stating “humanitarian aid is not a crime”.
If they were getting people for it, they could just hit the humanitarian building in Ajo. They arent hiding what they are doing.
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Appreciate all the replies, fellas. I’ve heard these same type of stories for years and have always thought for the most part mind your own business, stay alert, be diligent as I always am when hunting and all will be fine. However, in the current state of all things southern border related it just has a different feel regarding potential “what ifs”. Good to hear some recent experiences. All that said, I’m hunting and minding my own business, and if someone wants to get on the wrong end of that then that’s their poor decision. Hopefully it’s a non issue and just good fodder for a hunting forum.
Why not just hunt 20 miles N of the border?

I hunted the border for years- no more. Its a shit show down there…why would anyone purposely put themself in a defense of your life situation? Plus its disgusting…all the trash.

Hunting the border is like taking a small boat 25 miles out in the ocean fishing…. if you know what you’re doing ( and pick the right day) you will probably be OK ………but it doesn’t take much for things to go really bad.
If they were getting people for it,
It’s probably been 15-20 years since those folks were charged. More may have been since but I haven’t seen news of it. If they were the lefties would be all over it. The yard signs have be up for so long they’re like wallpaper, hardly even notice them anymore :)

"... if people were getting hurt or killed by all these folks coming up you’d hear about it. ..."

In general, yes. But today's biased media and the current administration's policies and ideologies, they will suppress anything remotely related to such incidents on the border. People drown daily on the Rio Grande. You never hear about those deaths unless the story vilifies conservatives or were being harassed by CBP to turn back and they pushed on.
Ranchers, landowners, CBP and other LEO's find bodies daily.
You never hear about those.

Have you personally been in that situation?

Emotion isn’t always a bad thing. We’re not robots. Reality is that the situation I’m talking about is real life. Not hypotheticals on the internet.

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I didn't say emotion was a "bad thing". I just think we let it override our commonsense at times.

You do as you please.
It's just not a chance I'm willing to take. My choice.

Has anyone noticed that since this nonsense started on our southern border, there has been a upward trend in measles and TB.
What's next?
Whooping cough?
Also note that our biased media hasn't mentioned the increase in all these diseases?

....and you thought those people weren't hurting anybody.

Car jacking?

Nah! They're not hurting a soul!
Ranchers, landowners, CBP and other LEO's find bodies daily.
My question was not about those coming up here getting hurt or dying my question was aimed at how many of us outdoors people are getting hurt or killed down near the border by those coming up here. Basically nil, or very very close to nil. I don’t give give a rats a about those choosing to trek here and ending up in a bad way. I’ve been here and watched it for so long I’m over it. You make your choices….
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Whooping cough?
Yes I have noticed. Whooping cough was near epidemic in AZ, NM and CO ~15 years ago. No one said a word, not even the local health department. The only reason we had any news is two infants died that first year. There wasn’t an adult booster at the time and many adults caught it. Immunity wears off and you can get it even if you were vaccinated as a child. There is an adult booster now so you might want to make sure you get it. It can damage your lungs for life.
I don't know that any outdoors people have been harmed in any way.
Could very well be zero. (bet Sec'y Mayorkas doesn't know either!)
....but if you (outdoorsman) happen to run across a disgruntled smuggler, trafficker or illegal.....who knows what can happen.
You gotta remember, most of those folks have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Their mood might just depend on their frustration level.
Who knows?
We have good vaccines against those.
Whooping cough?
Good vaccines against that, though it does wear off and require a booster.
This one just seems like something people say to fearmonger. We're not a third world country. Our water and sewage treatment make it a non-issue. And if someone did get it in the US, not only would it not really spread, they'd probably just get some medical debt from hospital bills. Antibiotics / rehydration therapy treat Cholera pretty easily.
I don't know that any outdoors people have been harmed in any way.
Could very well be zero. (bet Sec'y Mayorkas doesn't know either!)
....but if you (outdoorsman) happen to run across a disgruntled smuggler, trafficker or illegal.....who knows what can happen.
You gotta remember, most of those folks have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Their mood might just depend on their frustration level.
Who knows?
Same could be said driving to work.
I don't know that any outdoors people have been harmed in any way.
My subtle point to this has been it just doesn’t happen. If it did word would be all over the hunting and outdoor community and it isn’t. We have and hear about encounters and theft but not harm. The coyotes and lumpers aren’t going to bother you if you don’t bother them. They aren’t going to shoot you if you don’t try to shoot them. It just doesn’t happen. I’m not saying there isn’t any worry because anything can go south, I’m saying it just doesn’t happen.

but if you (outdoorsman) happen to run across a disgruntled smuggler, trafficker or illegal.....who knows what can happen.
Encounters happen all the time and nobody is dying from it. Migrants no biggie, armed lumpers? Well those encounters can be unnerving but they don’t want to shoot you and they aren’t shooting people. Never have.
We have good vaccines against those.

Good vaccines against that, though it does wear off and require a booster.

This one just seems like something people say to fearmonger. We're not a third world country. Our water and sewage treatment make it a non-issue. And if someone did get it in the US, not only would it not really spread, they'd probably just get some medical debt from hospital bills. Antibiotics / rehydration therapy treat Cholera pretty easily.

I would bet you far more people will be killed due to road rage than will be killed by randomly running into an illegal while hunting within 50 miles of the border. I will even give you all US borders.
Rather play Russian Roulette with one bullet in the gun or five?

Back in '91, I was headed home from work just after dark.
About halfway home, on a quiet, 2 lane paved road, a driver decided to drive in my lane for a while.
Don't know if you've ever been involved in a head on MVA, but it ain't something I care to try again.....and yes, I still drive.

Never in my born days would I EVER have considered I'd be involved in a car wreck like that. But I was.
So, don't tell me "schtuff" doesn't just happen!
Nothing EVER goes wrong....until it does.