Hunting License Price Increases

Did'nt Oklahoma have a hugh increase? $209 plus $501? deer. That's a expensive whitetail.
Here in Germany for consideration this is what I pay.

Hunting licene in my state for 3 years $175
Mandatory hunting insurance for 3 years $175
Initial hunting training for Americans stationed in Europe $300

OF course it is worse if you are not an American affiliated with the US Military in Europe.
Initial hunting training for German public $3500 average for the 180 hours of training.
Plus the other $350 worth of fees every 3 years.

Firearms are required to be in a safe. Cheapest good safe is about $500.

Guns are 20-40% more expensive and so is Ammo.

I pay 650$ to hunt 400 acres. I can only keep one buck and one pig. Everything else goes to the landowner (in my case the state forest service) to sell.

I maintain hunting licenses for points in Arizona, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Utah and Nevada. So I am fully aware of the cost.

Residents have a good deal.
Did'nt Oklahoma have a hugh increase? $209 plus $501? deer. That's a expensive whitetail.
Non resident deer prices went up significantly. Texans still paying the higher price with their couch cushion change.
That non resident price is more than one deer. Two bucks, four does.

It's been over 40 years since I bought a resident deer license. My dad bought my brothers and I lifetime licenses in the 80s. Best gift ever.
For $400 NR sportsman’s license…

2 bears
2 bucks
10 does
2 turkeys
Unlimited small game
Unlimited hogs
Fishing license

Preference points are FREE (even if you don’t have a license…)

I hate to break it to you all but the western states are absolutely ripping everyone the eff off and have been for years.

Sportsman licenses are $171 today, next year they go up to $215.

Either get rid of some gov employees, charge common recreation users, but stop increasing the prices for hunting/fishing. IMO, this is a God given right, not a privilege.

I definitely recall thinking Tennessee resident licenses were high compared to other surrounding states, however, to be fair, with the Sportsman's license at $215, one should note what all you are getting: Spring and fall turkey hunting, fishing, bear, hog, 3 does a day for a 100 day+ season, generous small game seasons including fall and spring squirrel (few states have spring squirrel) etc. You can hunt quite a few months of the year on that license.

Including a qualifying license purchase, I spent close to that just applying and acquiring goat and sheep points every year in Colorado + another $250-$300 on tags, fishing license etc
I definitely recall thinking Tennessee resident licenses were high compared to other surrounding states, however, to be fair, with the Sportsman's license at $215, one should note what all you are getting: Spring and fall turkey hunting, fishing, bear, hog, 3 does a day for a 100 day+ season, generous small game seasons including fall and spring squirrel (few states have spring squirrel) etc. You can hunt quite a few months of the year on that license.

Including a qualifying license purchase, I spent close to that just applying and acquiring goat and sheep points every year in Colorado + another $250-$300 on tags, fishing license etc
The biggest problem for me is the high price compared to the lack of public hunting ground. And the public hunting land available is pretty void of animals.
Game agencies aren't immune from cost increases. Gotta fund it somehow. I'm glad NC offers lifetime licenses. Bought mine a few years back and I'm just a couple years from passing the breakeven on it. Bought my son's before he turned 1 so it was $100 or so. Well worth it.
Bite the bullet and buy the lifetime. No matter what age tier your in that's a good deal. Bought mine 4 years ago at 29 and it makes more sense every day. Get them for your kids too while they're cheap. I will say this, TN is also adding fees to ride SxSs on public land. Totally for that. Maybe should think about doing the same thing for horse riders

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Lifetime sounds like the way to go. In Az we already have all the other fee's . Utv's atv's , offroad ,on road you name it.we have a fee for it. LOL.
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I dont know jack about TN, so it's possible that you are getting ripped off and not getting what you are paying for--it's a pretty different fee structure than I'm used to--but I'm really skeptical of it not still being a bargain. Looks like current cost is $33 + a $33 tag to hunt big game? If so a 28% increase would make that $85.00. Does that include tags, and how long is the season and what are bag limits? More importantly, when was the last time the price increased? You can guarantee the cost to do the same management work increases every year, do you have a better solution to fund it that doesnt result in a europe-like loss of access to hunting?
Hunting is at least in-part a tool to make money for the state agency to manage wildlife, and has been for 100+ years. Between license sales and matching PR and DJ excise taxes, that money goes directly to the state agency and it's what funds all the data gathering, biologists, herd studies, WMA's, habitat work, walk-in type programs, etc, plus a pile of other things that vary from state to state. Not saying there's no slop in there. But at least in my state I am pretty familiar with where it all goes, and I will say that I'd still be getting an INCREDIBLE bargain at 3x the price. The fact that this money goes to the state agency is largely what pays both for where I hunt, and what I hunt. If it wasnt for this system there literally might not be any deer, turkeys, bear or moose in my state...all of those animals having been locally extinct in my state from sheep farming and market hunting during the 1800's, most requiring physical re-introduction. Again, dont know your state, and not saying it couldnt be better. But am quite familiar enough with the system and budgets in enough places that I have an extremely hard time thinking that any resident hunting license isnt a relative bargain that also sends money directly to a specific agency that largely makes very good use of it, and would otherwise not be able to do what they do. It's also the literal manifestation of the now-clicheed slogan "hunting is conservation", and one of the major things keeping the anti-hunters at bay.
For $400 NR sportsman’s license…

2 bears
2 bucks
10 does
2 turkeys
Unlimited small game
Unlimited hogs
Fishing license

Preference points are FREE (even if you don’t have a license…)

I hate to break it to you all but the western states are absolutely ripping everyone the eff off and have been for years.

View attachment 803705

Was this a large increase for RESIDENTS?

OP didn't ask what license in your state cost, he asked if : Any other states increasing license costs for residents?