I've been keeping a hunting journal for the last 10 years or so after I read the one my dad started after he killed his first buck.
I typically only record successful hunts or interesting things I see in the woods. Big trips get put in there too. I think it's worthwhile and I enjoy reading back on past hunts. I have a special pen made of antler that I write with. The journal is a nice leather bound one that my wife gave me while we were engaged, either as a birthday or Christmas gift.
My dad put in big trips, interesting hunts with me as a kid, etc. I enjoyed his one entry where I balled like a baby after a hunt where I didn't feel confident enough with my rifle set up at a monster 8 point. When I say monster, it was no joke a 140+ inch 8 point. Real big for that part of Alabama. The rifle had a defective scope on it and wouldn't hold a zero after multiple range attempts. For some reason, my dad delayed getting a new one put on and wouldn't just let me go with iron sights. I distinctly remember that deer coming out with 45 minutes till last light and walking up to within 50 yards. Deer were all over that food plot and it was quite magical. This was about a week or so before Christmas and 2-3 weeks prior to the rut. My mom was sitting with me and my sister was with my dad.
I was inconsolable that evening at home. He called me a snot-nosed brat in his journal. I can look back now and laugh, but only sort of. My dad saw that same deer the following week in the same food plot and he'd already broken one side off from fighting.