Fighting boredom in all day sits.

Not sure if I'll ever hunt whitetails again, but I definitely put my time in before moving out West.

-build your mental endurance up for long/all day sits over the course of early season. You're ability to sit patiently will improve with practice. In the early season, stay put until 11 and then start increasing that until noon and then 1 PM.
-do everything slow. Take 45 minutes to eat your PBJ, a few minutes just to go through the process of sipping water. Slow everything down dramatically to match the pacing of the day and your perception of time. This really helps shift your mindset to one of patience.
-over years of of this, one thing I learned is that I prefer to do a long sit in the morning through the afternoon for consecutive days, sitting from dark until 2 PM and then going home. Having this time off and getting into bed early is extremely helpful. Likewise, if you prefer focusing on the evening, then sit from 9 am until dark. This is a very good strategy for getting more hours in without burning yourself out. I personally found a straight 8 hour sit until 2 more productive than 2 4 hours sits (morning and evening with a mid day break).
Early morning and late afternoon prime time I get in the zone and tune into the woods. I fight mid day boredom with a kindle. Easier on the eyes than a phone, quieter and harder to lose your page than a book. Dont have to read non stop, just break up the time. I only hunt when the wind is right and spend all day to make the most of it. On days I only have a couple hours and the wind works I hunt a stand close to the edge so I can slip in or out easier.
I've done literally hundreds of all day sits in a treestand. I've brought books, but never wind up reading them.

Many years before high tech cell phones, I was just sitting there with my own thoughts. Later on with cell phones I would wind up sucked into social media. Now I live out West and seldom sit for long stretches outside of hunting migrating mule deer. This year I played a game called "Water Sort" it is also what I play when trying to fall a sleep in my sleeping bag in the back country. I highly recommend it.

If I had cell service I'd probably check Rokslide periodically.

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Recently been listening to a podcast in one ear. Obviously it limits hearing an approaching animal on one side, but better to at least be in the stand. Lots of good content from the shoot2hunt podcast from here, among many others.