New York Commie Workaround

Maybe look into a non-lethal weapon like the Byrna.
Legal in all states

I would guess Lake Placid is a high threat area. Good idea to bring your shotgun. Just in case.
We live in a quiet, placid, out in the country town of 2500 where these types of things “aren’t supposed to happen”.

Well, 3 months ago some lady tried to cut up her boyfriend with a box cutter at 3pm on a Wed. She dove out the window when the cops got there and ran in the woods that run behind my house. She still had the box cutter. Eventually she threatened and charged the cops and they shot her.

My 11yo son gets home from school the exact time this lunatic was running around the woods with a box cutter. Just think what could have gone wrong. You conceal carry because you never know when you will need it. If that time ever comes it will be when you least expected it to. Criminal scum are everywhere, Lake Placid included.