Hunting guide shot in New Mexico


Feb 10, 2016
So you are either connected to the parties involved or donated $$ and want to feel like you weren't duped. In any case, believe what you must but it's pretty hard to brass up in the dark and brush out sign during all of the chaos in the alleged attack. Ghosts with ghost bullets perhaps...? Additionally, the lodge isn't located right on the Rio Grande. It is also sad that the family is set on defaming all of the agencies that responded to the Circle Dug.
Feb 26, 2012
Some wilderness area, somewhere
So you are either connected to the parties involved or donated $$ and want to feel like you weren't duped. In any case, believe what you must but it's pretty hard to brass up in the dark and brush out sign during all of the chaos in the alleged attack. Ghosts with ghost bullets perhaps...? Additionally, the lodge isn't located right on the Rio Grande. It is also sad that the family is set on defaming all of the agencies that responded to the Circle Dug.

That has to be the wildest leap of logic I have encountered on this site. Congratulations.
On second thought, nevermind, low post count, trying to stir up controversy....yeah hope that works for you.


Nov 21, 2013
Boulder, CO
Point is at this point no one knows what is what.
When the story first broke everyone rushes to help the outfitter. Preliminary report comes out and everyone rushes to condemn the outfitter.
How about once the evidence is all in then people make their judgement.

Esse quam videri

I'm sorry obama taught me to pick sides before an investigation has been completed, I learned from the best "jump to conclusions " player ever.


Feb 10, 2016
That has to be the wildest leap of logic I have encountered on this site. Congratulations.
On second thought, nevermind, low post count, trying to stir up controversy....yeah hope that works for you.

Low post count? Stir controversy? I guess you ran out of any kind of substance to refute the evidence. I am sorry you can't accept the facts. Like I said I work here and we are pretty good at our jobs. We track people daily. There was no sign and no other brass in the area outside of their hunting rifles. How can you possibly disregard those facts?
Feb 26, 2012
Some wilderness area, somewhere
Low post count? Stir controversy? I guess you ran out of any kind of substance to refute the evidence. I am sorry you can't accept the facts. Like I said I work here and we are pretty good at our jobs. We track people daily. There was no sign and no other brass in the area outside of their hunting rifles. How can you possibly disregard those facts?

Either you have reading comprehension problems or you aren't sure what you typed, either way I will state this clearly one more time. I am waiting for all of the facts to be in before I make a judgement.
Falsely accusing me of being connected to anyone or donating to anyone is what I consider stirring up controversy. You might need to be careful jumping to those sorts of conclusions as it might lead one to believe you might just not follow a logical train of thought in your investigation. This is the last response you will get from me, good luck in your ongoing investigation.


Sep 14, 2016
I believe if you re read what you quoted you will see I said wait till the evidence is in to make a judgement. If you care to condemn the outfitters before hand or if you feel like condemning illegals before hand, or even the police force that is up to you. It just makes sense to me to have all of the facts first.

Must all be "fake news".
Feb 26, 2012
Some wilderness area, somewhere
^^Seems like they are being smart themselves waiting till all the evidence is in before saying anything definitive.
In case anyone thinks I am being sarcastic or whatever, I am not. "Appears to be", "believe that the final report will link", "right now, there is no evidence to suggest", "by the looks of it right now". All phrases reserving judgement till all of the facts are in.
Jun 6, 2013
Bravo - Just curiosity. If the guide thought someone had broken into the RV and was trying to open the RV door and the sport thought someone was trying to break into the RV and started shooting... and then the guides started shooting back and shoot the sport in the arm... and then the wounded sport shoots one of the guides in torso...

Who the heck gets charged with what?

There's apparently negligence, but no intent. Anybody that is allegedly culpable got shot.

If the hypothetical story is correct, does the sport get charged for shooting through the RV door? Do the guides get charged for shooting into the RV? Does the sport get charged for allegedly shooting the guide who allegedly shot him in response to allegedly being shot at as he tried to open the RV door?

Whether or not the hypothetical scenario is correct, I don't think I'd want to be whoever has to sort it out.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 18, 2016
the charges wouldn't most likely not be for shooting (unless there is even more to the story), but the fabrication (nice word for lying) would certainly get you charged

we would always give folks several chances to tell the truth; if they persisted in lying (and we could prove they were lying) they would be charged with obstruction (in addition to any other charges)
Jun 6, 2013
I have no knowledge of this case, so these are purely hypothetical.

What if they were so keyed up and then amped up on adrenaline that they thought the shooting was coming from someone else and weren't aware that it was only them and didn't conspire to fabricate something?

If the hypothetical scenario is the way it occurred, I would imagine there'd be a dawning awareness at some point,but if someone has a potential life threatening torso wound and someone else has been shot in the arm... maybe they're in shock and focusing on triage...

I don't know any of them. I have no knowledge other than what I've stumbled across. As just another Joe Citizen I'm interested in justice and public safety... I just wouldn't want to have to try to sort it out.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 18, 2016
^ in that particular scenario I don't see charges being filed; possibly a misdemeanor endangerment charge (or similar)

if they have in fact instead tried to cover up the "friendly fire" incident, they would very likely be charged

time will tell :)
Jun 6, 2013
What do you think the odds are that they'll plea this down to avoid the felony charges?

I'd think it'd be kinda hard to be a guide if you can't handle a firearm.

'Course it might be kinda hard anyways...

"Your guide's a great guy with a lot of energy, experience, skill, knows the ground and animals well, but he shot his last client..."

"Uuuuum yeah, but it was only in the arm... and he shot through a door at me first... We'll have a great hunt."

I'm sure that I'll never know what exactly happened and that's just the way it is. I have to admit to my curiosity. I live in Chicago and people shoot each other all of the time here and it makes no sense. For some reason, this story makes me ask WTF? How could this have happened?


Feb 10, 2016
Sad thing about this whole thing is this.....I ran into a couple of guides out here in that same county (Presidio) yesterday. He has had people pull out and cancel hunts that were scheduled for this year and next because of this story specifically. Theses guides hadn't even heard of what really happened until I told them. So the original storyline has affected a lot of people and apparently continues to.
Jordan Budd

Jordan Budd

Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 8, 2012
NW Nebraska
Sad thing about this whole thing is this.....I ran into a couple of guides out here in that same county (Presidio) yesterday. He has had people pull out and cancel hunts that were scheduled for this year and next because of this story specifically. Theses guides hadn't even heard of what really happened until I told them. So the original storyline has affected a lot of people and apparently continues to.

Dang it, that's too bad. Very sorry to hear that. Hopefully now that the truth is out they can get that turned around.

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