HUGE Maven Optics Giveaway- the S.1A 25-50x80mm Spotter valued at $2100

I have never watched my Facebook as obsessively as I have today.

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Alright Roksliders, I've got the email from Maven. I'm working on confirming who's a Rokslide member on it right now. Check emails and FB messages. I don't know how fast this will go because if those drawn are not Rokslide members, then we redraw until we get one.

And yes, I'll post the winner on this thread, but that will be after I confirm the person is a Rokslide member, that's why you need to watch those FB messages and emails. Stay close, we really want to make someone's day.

FYI, the 10x42 B1s sold today, so we only have the 9x45 B2s
It'll count as we said, but she needs to be checking the messages and you need to check the email address you used to enter.
OK, all the FB messages and emails were sent out to the 3 preliminary winners to confirm who's a Rokslide member from the drawing list by 1:20 PM MTN Time. So, I'll wait up to 3:20 PM to hear from these entries. First to respond wins the Spotter. No response by then, we draw again.

Sorry for the tension but this is the only way to ensure a Rokslide member wins the scope.

This could potentially go on for a few days, but I hope not...
Omg! Thank you thank you thank you! I can't believe I won. To top it off today is my b-day so you guys gave me the best b-day present ever!

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See, there is a God.

Wow! Totally pumped for you.

I'll hook you up via the email you sent me with Maven. Might not have a shipping date until Monday if they've left the office, but we're hooked up, so I'll keep you posted.

Thanks to everyone who participated. I wish we could give every one of you a spotter. Thanks for making this place fun and informative.

I can honestly say my pulse has been up for two hours over this thing. So glad to see the winner chime in!
Awesome hibler60 !! Great job mr. Denning for ensuring a member here won as well. Thanks agin maven and Rokslide of the chance and big congrats to the winner agin !!

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