Hoyt Satori

I don't have any experience with those, are they two blades ? You should be able to get close enough to try them out, I've killed a bunch under 20 yards. Good luck !
Yes they are hopefully they perform as good as they fly and look. Almost all the deer I shoot are 25 yds or less so shouldn't hurt me much.
I wouldn't use or recommend those for a traditional bow. The angle is to steep, they will absorb a lot of your KE just trying to penetrate. Also, that angle is not good for anything more than a perfectly broadside shot. Looks like with any type of quarter away and the tip will never penetrate, it will just skate down the side.

Take those broadheads and throw them in the garbage. That design is the exact opposite that you want in a head. Had a buddy try them in a compound shooting a heavy arrow out of a fast bow and they performed horribly. You are really doing yourself and the animals you hunt a disservice shooting a head like that
Yeah, I wouldn't use that head either, the lower the power of your setup, the more mechanical advantage you want in your broadhead. Not talking mechanical broadheads either. I've heard 3 to 1 length versus width as being optimal. Any longer and the tip would bend to easy, a little shorter is ok. I don't drink all the Kool aid from the link I sent you and some of the info is pretty dry in the broadhead study download but you can skim over those parts. The first and third articles on the linked list are worth checking out, not sure about the others, some of the others seem more like advertising more than informative reading but some are still entertaining.

Dr. Ed Ashby Reports
Sounds like it's a good idea to use something different in the recurve, but don't see why they wouldn't be great in a compound. I've been useing slicktricks magnums for years and have had excellent results and they are a super short head. Think I will try some Magnus heads out of recurve. I was a little worried about penetration with how wide they were out of recurve but am going to shoot out of compound hopefully I will have a performance report but have heard good things.