Best muzzle brake for CVA Accura Mr-x?

May 12, 2017
I am finally buying a muzzleloader. Decided on an Accura Mr-x mostly because of a current sale price (was looking at the traditions nitrofire but didn’t want to be solely dependent on the firesticks although they do seem super accurate and have very little deviation). Anyhow, I want a muzzle brake immediately to try and help the accuracy. I use one on my super lightweight all carbon hca tikka 300wsm and its recoil is seriously less than a 6.5creed. The brakes I’ve seen made for the paramount/accura are:
Anarchy outdoors

The cva one (or whoever makes the one on is directional and pushes the smoke out the sides and is easiest to clean.
The other 2 look similar and are around the same price. Anyone have experience with using these and does one stand above the others? Not much information on these against eachother.
Thanks for any info

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Good choice not buying the Traditions.

Is that the .50 or .45? And which bullets are you planning to use? Sabots or full-bore conicals? Will make a difference on which brake you’ll want.
.50 (I heard the .45s had a lot of issues). The bullets I’m not sure on yet but I’m ordering the Hornady bore drivers, the Thor measuring thingy so I can order the right size for those, some ELRs and some Hornady SSTs. I haven’t placed the order yet so please lmk if the brake will make a difference with some of these choices

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For a bore-sized conical you can use a brake that is only slightly over bore. To shoot sabots you’d need one quite a bit over bore because the petals will start to flare as the sabot leaves the crown. And that starts to reduce efficiency as they get too over bored. Something to keep in mind. I don’t know anything about the ones you mentioned - I don’t have any CVAs. I use tactical style and radial brakes, primarily on my smokeless muzzies. The tactical brakes are the way to go IMO. Better smoke dispersion, better for prone and better recoil reduction.

The other thing to realize, is that you’ll have to use a load through funnel with any brake. This complicates the process - so I wouldn’t use one if you didn’t need it for heavy recoil.