PSA: Shoot your broadheads before you Hit the woods

Sep 28, 2018
Up till yesterday I've only shot my broadheads 2x this summer. First when I put my new strings on. Then about a month ago. Everything went and flew how it should have. Shot a round of 3d yesterday and my arrows were burning up the 12 ring but giving me a bit whirly bird on the fletching. I thought maybe i was torqueing. After I finished up. I went to throw a broadhead and it went wonky and waaay left.. I leave for my 10 day hunt in 2 days...

Ended up being slightly out of time and had shim the cams. I moved the rest a touch also which means I should probably shim to the next step. But my main broadhead is a bullet right now so I'm gonna leave it because If I'm pulling that string in the next 3 weeks its gonna be on an animal.
Been there for sure. Sounds like you did the right thing though, always tune to the broadhead, even if some settings aren't "right"
Good PSA, something we can all remember. I bring out the broadheads about 1-2 weeks before my hunt so I can adjust/tune and be confident and good to go on opening day
So many guys ASSUME their Mech heads will "Fly like their FP's"
Or don't bother to tune for perfect arrow flight....

👆It's asking for heartbreak.

My buddy just killed a really nice 6 point bull someone made a bad shot on a week before with a BH stuck in him...his loss, my buddies gain.