How’s your fuel prices

A gas tax holiday is actually a great start IF we can keep it going indefinitely…
Only if chevron, shell, bp, Texaco et el pass those savings onto the consumer. Seeing how they've fleeced us so far doubtful this trickles down.

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“Corporate greed isn’t a problem. Everything I don’t like is that durn gubmint’s fault.”
Only the blue gubmint fault
Red gubmimt had gas at 1.50 a gallon after they locked 300 million people in their homes, closed the national parks and directed trillion of Dollars into bezos and his buddies.

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I’ll take this one, Bob.
. Russia is not the scapegoat either, prices were already high when that happened as inflation was kicking in hard from too much government spending.
Correct, but taking 3/4 of the US's daily oil use off the global market sure doesn't make the price go down.
Ending lockdowns wholesale, with a lot of pent up demand and the most amount of cash in American's pocket's in 80 years with the lowest unemployment rate in that same time. While reducing oil on the market more than has ever been done in such a short period of time.

People have money, because of both stimulus and actual work. They want to spend it and just about everything we do requires energy.

But you bring the 12M barrels a day back from the Russian market and oil prices will tank. So is it all Russia? No. But to discount it is to say, you have no idea how global markets work.
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Officially the most I’ve ever paid to fill up my truck. I did get almost 600 miles out of my last tank though, which probably isn’t too bad for All around driving, a slightly lifted, 1 ton diesel on 35s.

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Last weekend coming home from fishing. Pulling a trailer and they only let me have $75 - about 11 gallons. There’s a reason we’re only doing 2 long camping trips this year instead of every weekend! Thank God I work from home now; commuted about 450 miles a week before covid.0A8B6939-4A4E-497B-90D8-52DBF8787018.jpeg
Keep your political stance at home, post your fuel prices and let our imagination run wild or just keep scrolling

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Prices here went down about four cents from a week ago, currently $4.92. It looked like we were going to break through the $5.00 mark, but maybe it'll just slowly start going down form here.

We have one station that sells their low grade and mid-grade at the same (low grade) price- I almost always fill up there. I always wonder to myself, who fills up with their low grade????? :D
Prices here went down about four cents from a week ago, currently $4.92. It looked like we were going to break through the $5.00 mark, but maybe it'll just slowly start going down form here.

We have one station that sells their low grade and mid-grade at the same (low grade) price- I almost always fill up there. I always wonder to myself, who fills up with their low grade????? :D
Is the low grade ethanol free, whereas the mid grade is just the low grade + ethanol?
That's usually the case in scenarios like that, and so the answer is everyone that want's a better deal buys the low grade, since the mpg will be higher on it.
Is the low grade ethanol free, whereas the mid grade is just the low grade + ethanol?
That's usually the case in scenarios like that, and so the answer is everyone that want's a better deal buys the low grade, since the mpg will be higher on it.

I'll have to check that next time. Didn't know that about ethanol!
Read a study about ethanol mixed gas a couple years ago about how it lowered the amount of power per gallon. Every 5% of ethanol added, is 3% less power propulsion.
So if pure gas is at $5 a gallon then gas with 15% ethanol added would need to be priced at $4.55 to be equally priced based off power per gallon.
When you consider the vast amount of resources consumed and diverted to produce it, and how crappy it is as a fuel, the inefficient joke of using ethanol to power engines has got to rank among the bigger scams of all time.
Not only that, but because it's a net negative in energy, we have to subsidize it with tax dollars for it to exist.