How’s your fuel prices

Gas prices had been holding steady at $4.00/gallon here since early March, until this week they jumped up to $4.20/gallon. Absolute insanity.

I’ve been using a Ford Focus as a daily driver, getting 36 mpg, but it still stings every time I fill up. November can’t come soon enough…
Diesel in sw Wisconsin is running $5.19. Went to fill up the truck this week and the pump shut off at $125. Absolutely nuts compared to 2015 when I bought it and diesel was less than gas at about $1.89
Paid just over $6 per gallon for Diesel this morning. I'm highly considering parking my truck and driving the wife's vehicle for a bit. Make it a pain transferring all of my tools, however with over $1.50 difference in price it adds up quick with the amount of fuel I burn in a week.

my truck has been sitting and i've been driving the mini van. it's two wheel drive so it's made for some interesting commutes to work where the parking lot is at 8k.
Any of you East Coast guys seeing Diesel Shortages yet??
Not sure there will be shortages at prices of $6.35 a gallon and up. Who's buying at those prices. I certainly do not see many people at the stations by me filling up diesel pick ups and that.