How’s your fuel prices

Edit, it’s all Russia?:

What was the alternative? Just keep doing business with Putin?

If anything we should’ve did what China and India are doing, condemning the attack on Ukraine all the while increasing the amount of oil they purchase from Russia. They’re probably getting a hell of a deal. EU is still on Russian O&G and dispute all the bluster and carrying on I don’t see that changing. My understanding would take a unanimous vote from the EU members and that’s not going to happen.
If we actually wanted to hurt Russia we would be doing whatever we can to increase production domestically and working with Saudi’s to ramp up production on their end.
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Filled my daily driver this morning. Paid $4.99/ gallon of gasoline.

Diesel fuel at the same gas station is at $6.49/ gallon.

Haul horses on the side. Make a trip to SC regularly. It’s about a 1,500-1,600 mile trip. Last year I could pay for all my expenses for around $850 a trip. I spent $962 in diesel fuel alone this last trip.

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If we actually wanted to hurt Russia we would be doing whatever we can to increase production domestically and working with Saudi’s to ramp up production on their end.
That's on the oil companies though. They capped wells and quit a lot of US production in 2020 when the pandemic hit. They've chosen not to start that production again. Thanks for being honest though and saying you don't mind supporting aggressive communist dictators?

"Brett Hartl, the government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity, also noted more drilling permits were approved in the first year of Biden's presidency than during his predecessor's first 365 days. The center found the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands last year, outpacing the Trump administration's first-year total of 2,658."

I have a lot of beef with Biden and this administration, I think they are doing a shit job, but I'm not so sure gas prices fall squarely on him. I can see how it is in the best interest of big oil to blame the increases on him, and then laugh all the way to the bank with huge profits.
That's on the oil companies though. They capped wells and quit a lot of US production in 2020 when the pandemic hit. They've chosen not to start that production again. Thanks for being honest though and saying you don't mind supporting aggressive communist dictators?

"Brett Hartl, the government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity, also noted more drilling permits were approved in the first year of Biden's presidency than during his predecessor's first 365 days. The center found the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands last year, outpacing the Trump administration's first-year total of 2,658."

I have a lot of beef with Biden and this administration, I think they are doing a shit job, but I'm not so sure gas prices fall squarely on him. I can see how it is in the best interest of big oil to blame the increases on him, and then laugh all the way to the bank with huge profits.
Putin is nice guy compared to the house of Saud, no one seems to care about their atrocities so save the white night act. If gas was $1.50 biden would be taking credit. Taking the blame works the same way.
Putin is nice guy compared to the house of Saud, no one seems to care about their atrocities so save the white night act. If gas was $1.50 biden would be taking credit. Taking the blame works the same way.
You think I didn't cringe when Bush kissed the Saudi prince? But Putin being a 'nice guy' compared to some one else in history doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to his aggression to a sovereign nation.
You wonder why groceries and everything are so damn expensive now…Peterbilt truck has two 150 gallon fuel tanks and if they’re lucky gets 6 mpg. Those trucks have to fuel up every day $$$$$$ FJB !
So the oil companies made all time record profits this last quarter, but this is all Biden’s fault? I’m a simple guy, someone make the A to B connection for me. Is it all speculation based on what environmental permits he may invoke in the future?
That's on the oil companies though. They capped wells and quit a lot of US production in 2020 when the pandemic hit. They've chosen not to start that production again. Thanks for being honest though and saying you don't mind supporting aggressive communist dictators?

"Brett Hartl, the government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity, also noted more drilling permits were approved in the first year of Biden's presidency than during his predecessor's first 365 days. The center found the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands last year, outpacing the Trump administration's first-year total of 2,658."

I have a lot of beef with Biden and this administration, I think they are doing a shit job, but I'm not so sure gas prices fall squarely on him. I can see how it is in the best interest of big oil to blame the increases on him, and then laugh all the way to the bank with huge profits.
Oil is traded on the global market. The supply slowed due to covid. The Democrats assault on the Oil & Gas industry has made the companies hesitant to spend the money to bump up production. OPEC is not increasing production, the sanctions on Russia is helping drive the global market prices up. Record profits by oil companies is based on global prices, not just the USA.

Lots of drilling equipment is sitting in the storage yards, so that tells me either they don't have access to drill or they are not sure if they can re-coup the expense because of the attacks coming from left.

Permits and access are not the same

There are a lot of variables that come into play so it's hard to pinpoint, but the democrats own a big portion of it....imho

Why would the oil companies take the risk to invest when the federal government is very vocal about shutting down the industry?
Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline day 1 in office, hurting US domestic oil/gas production. Then he approved completing and removed sanctions on the Nord Stream 2, enabling Russia to control more oil/gas to Europe. Trump warned everyone about these 2 key issues - European Energy Dependency on Russia, and American Energy Independence. There are countless other efforts by the Biden abomination to destroy American Energy Independence and its obviously working, which we are reeling from financially.

To say Biden has no hand in this is ludicrous. Anyone arguing that his admin is not at fault is stupid or a fool. Yes I will give Russia some credit for upping the ante of oil/gas prices, but they were already high due to inflation prior to the invasion, lets not forget that. FJB and Russia.

Fuel prices are approaching $7/gal here in Commiefornia. Some places are over that. Average is well over $6.50. Shortages of everything increasing and inflation is grossly understated. Supermarket prices are almost double for most everything. The worst is yet to come…
$4.35 at Costco just now. Totally nuts.
Can’t wait to see the boat gas bill for the offshore fishing in the Keys next month lol.
That's on the oil companies though. They capped wells and quit a lot of US production in 2020 when the pandemic hit. They've chosen not to start that production again. Thanks for being honest though and saying you don't mind supporting aggressive communist dictators?

"Brett Hartl, the government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity, also noted more drilling permits were approved in the first year of Biden's presidency than during his predecessor's first 365 days. The center found the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands last year, outpacing the Trump administration's first-year total of 2,658."

I have a lot of beef with Biden and this administration, I think they are doing a shit job, but I'm not so sure gas prices fall squarely on him. I can see how it is in the best interest of big oil to blame the increases on him, and then laugh all the way to the bank with huge profits.
Center for Biological Diversity? Seriously? You quoted those morons? Big oil aren't the ones who killed Keystone XL on the first day of the clown show. You can't jump right in to production no matter how many leases are opened up. That's a months/ years long process. I get it, you lean left, but c'mon man. It's not hard to connect the dots here. Going from domestic surplus to begging the Saudis to ramp up production in less than 18 months? Who else you gonna blame? Blaming the previous administration doesn't work after about 6 months.

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Center for Biological Diversity? Seriously? You quoted those morons? Big oil aren't the ones who killed Keystone XL on the first day of the clown show. You can't jump right in to production no matter how many leases are opened up. That's a months/ years long process. I get it, you lean left, but c'mon man. It's not hard to connect the dots here. Going from domestic surplus to begging the Saudis to ramp up production in less than 18 months? Who else you gonna blame? Blaming the previous administration doesn't work after about 6 months.

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You realize that the oil companies shut down domestic production in 2020, under Trump (which he had nothing to do with btw). They never started back up. They capped producing wells on their own volition. Keystone XL has zero to do with current domestic production (it was never domestic anyway, Canadian tar sands). So lack of supply is driving demand, right? When did the downturn in production start that lead to current lack of supply? And why are oil companies making record profits? Never let a crisis go to waste? Why aren’t they reinvesting that profit into starting domestic production again?

I never said that Biden policies didn’t have influence over oil prices, but to say “FJB” as if it’s that simple and there is no nuance is the same ‘red team vs blue team‘ mentality that got us here. To blame every ill in the world on a president that’s been in office for a little over a year is some weak minded bullshit. I hated it when it happened with Trump too, the world just doesn;t work that way. But hey, got to keep the voters frothed and full of hate. I really think we are headed for some dark times in this country, and the blame isn’t going to be on one single party, it’s what they both did to hurt us all.