How’s your fuel prices

$3.70 for regular here in Orofino, ID. Hopefully the rest of the Californians coming up to hunt in November don’t bring the gas prices with them.
Low 3's here in central Ohio. Filled the truck (diesel) at $4.27 Monday. Tuesday afternoon a local station had it for $3.99.....grrrrr.
I just filled up at the Costco in Santa Rosa CA (north of SF bay). $4.90/gal. On the corner near my house it's $5.49 if you pay cash.
Just did a trip from Mobile Al to North Dakota... They definitely increase as you go north. .80 cent more I'm some places than Mobile.
Just got back from an elk hunt in western Montana, paid as high as 3.99 in western MT and a low of 3.29 in eastern SD. Lots of 3.79-85 paid. Glad to be home where it's 3.39 today
3.04 around some parts of Derby city “ Louisville “ about the same a little north where I hide out.
$5.50 to over $6 a gal in the San Diego area. Ouch!

But that's the goal. Make that so price high that the average person can't afford it. Those that can will convert to electric will, and those that can't will be forced to use crappy public transportation to get to their slave labor job and to live in cities where they can be easily monitored and controlled. :-)
$5.50 to over $6 a gal in the San Diego area. Ouch!

But that's the goal. Make that so price high that the average person can't afford it. Those that can will convert to electric will, and those that can't will be forced to use crappy public transportation to get to their slave labor job and to live in cities where they can be easily monitored and controlled. :-)

I don’t know. We were in San Diego in Sept. Still plenty of traffic. I took pictures of the gas pumps for my buddy who owns the gas station here in very rural SE Alaska where our fuel comes in on a boat. You guys pay more than we do.