How’s your fuel prices

4.19 for 87 4.93 for diesel. Makes me sick driving 150 miles a day... to far away for a moped and to weather dependent for a motorcycle. Time to get a ford festiva.
2/17/22 regular unleaded 3.24

3/5/22 regular unleaded 3.60
Diesel 4.20

3/08/22 Diesel $4.57
regular unleaded 3.79
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Stockton CA

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Sacramento. Hopefully it's not true.
Remember those days in high school (okay okay I'm old) when you're rooting around on the floorboard of your 72 nova looking for change so you can go buy a couple gallons of gas so you can cruise the loop???

They're just going to start putting pictures of Willie, Cheech, and Snoop on the buttons at the pump. Just how high you wanna go?

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Remember those days in high school (okay okay I'm old) when you're rooting around on the floorboard of your 72 nova looking for change so you can go buy a couple gallons of gas so you can cruise the loop???

Not to start an argument but I am a millennial, so no I don’t think I have bought fuel for less than 1.80 a gallon.

I remember it less than a dollar but can’t say I have ever paid that.