We might be there this summer.Do I hear $5.50 a gallon for regular? Do I hear. $6.00 a gallon? Thank you, sir. Do I hear $7.00 a gallon? How about $8.00? We can certainly get $9.00 a gallon? Lets go folks! Open up those wallets. Going once, going twice, …
Need to update this from yesterday morning. Left the house and it was $3.69 yesterday morning. Came hime from work and it was $3.78. Wonder what it will be today?Well we got down to $3.49 for 87. We then went up to $3.54 and then overnight two nights ago we went up to $3.69! Up 15 cents in one night![]()
3.19/gal in LA. That's lower Alabama.Since the end of November the fuel and gas prices around here (NM) have been steadily going up and today diesel hit the $3.00 per gallon mark and gas is $2.69 per gallon. Just last year I was paying $1.78 per gallon for diesel fuel. Things are going down hill fast nowadays fuel has gone up $1.22 per gallon in just 3 months and this is probably just the beginning of it.