Howa Mini Rifles, Builds, and Upgrades

Pre-sale to help with purchasing things? 😂

I don't even have my stock yet or scope, but I'd would be all over getting a bigger mag capt.
Thanks, your support means a lot. These are definitely niche items, compared to the broader market. But, LS Wild is into the smaller niches. We really like to do cool things and new things. It means we don't have much competition. Also means we have to educate a lot of people.

But, yes, I will do a presale just to kick off the sale and make a deal for Roksliders, but I don't like relying on it. The last thing we want to do is make promises and then have something fall through. That sucks for people like you, and all it takes is a couple things to go wrong and all of a sudden is a giant catastrophe.

Look at the Rokstock, and you know they had every intention of making good. It is actually much harder than people would make out to do this.

I've thought I had things worked out with manufacturers, but the tiny detail can be slow to resolve when both LS and the supplier have other work that pays the bills...
I have some Howa Mini prefit barrels coming in 223 and 22 ARC that need to get sold, for anyone wanting to help us!

They are on sale right now, but the price will go up when they get into the shop.
Love that little 6mm.

The 109s are even just a little better…
Especially in a 6mm GT.

My first semi-custom gun is in the works: 6.5 CM Superlite action from Oregunsmithing, with his LRH stock and bottom metal, all Cerakoted. DNZ one-piece mount already drop-shipped to Wayne.

I might re-barrel to 6mm GT in a year -- or just start a new build.
Bottom metal tip and STATUS UPDATE on my bottom metal project.

FYI, you can modify your factory mags to fit into MDT's bottom metal that works with the Mamba mags they discontinued. Here is a bottom metal for $75 bucks. I figured out how to do it as I was playing with mags for a new design. All you have to do is cut a little notch in the back of them like the Mamba mag. Or, you could probably epoxy on a wedge shaped piece of kydex, but cutting a shallow spot has worked so far. Just don't cut all the way through.

I have been working on new designs for bottom metal for the Mini and Superlite. The mag release will be by the trigger guard which should eliminate some of the reported problems with the Superlite factory bottom metal which is also made of plastic.

I own the factory and DIP bottom metal for both Mini and Superlite, along with Jefferson and MDT's discontinued mag bottom metal. I did a video call explaining it to a CAD engineer, and am now sending all them to have a bottom metal designed off MDT's discontinued version, but improve it.

I will get a couple 3D printed prototypes. Maybe I'll have a few of you test them for me.

Along with the bottom metal prototypes, I am having them make me some magazines. Yes, I am pushing out the front of the magazine so that you can load longer in the Mini. I am making the bottom metal compatible with the factory magazines with the same modification I describe above.

Here is a listing for the discontinued MDT bottom metal.

Have you heard from Howa that they're apparently working on factory bottom metal? I first heard the rumor on here, and they confirmed that in an email. Might be worth looking into before you get too deep (although I'm sure they will screw theirs up somehow...)
Have you heard from Howa that they're apparently working on factory bottom metal? I first heard the rumor on here, and they confirmed that in an email. Might be worth looking into before you get too deep (although I'm sure they will screw theirs up somehow...)
They won’t depart from the magazine design which requires the catch on the front. I am leaving that design.

Also, weren’t they talking about hinged bottom metal?