How to NOT piss off others on public land

Aug 7, 2022
Pretty basic when it comes to camp site selection, certainly dont go to the bottom of a basin and set up camp. The high hunt can be loaded with people or not, depending on where you go, And what wildfires pop up and push people around. 8-12 miles gets you away from most of the people, although Washingtons trail systems carry a lot of hikers that time of year. A lot of people that do the HH every year, have their plans and spots, communicate with everyone you see and have fun. Find water early and plan for all the weather. Ive seen 75° during the day and 18" of snow that same night... Good luck, Maybe ill see ya up there

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Great tips - and good call on weather. See you there!


Jun 12, 2019
If you happen to arrive at a trail head or somewhere with another group and the guy(s) are standing there don't be afraid to go talk to them and go over basic routes or plans. Have had it happen multiple times with guys jumping out of their truck and basically running past me to "beat me in". Every single time it happened I ended up walking past them well before shooting light still and coming out long after they have left.

Also, let them tell you their plans first if possible. That way if they don't have a defined plan I just say..."well I am going and hunting this area thoroughly...just don't want you guy to waste time hunting ground that has already been covered" works 99% of the time.


Dec 10, 2019
Best advice I got on meeting other hunters in the field came from this website. When they ask you how the hunting is say it is pretty terrible and you have only gotten off a few sound shots. When they ask what a sound shot is tell that is when you fire at sounds in the bushes. You should have the place to yourself after that and won’t have to worry about pissing them off.
Feb 24, 2016

-When you come up on a guy who is sitting on a ridge glassing don't walk past him 20 yards away and continue into the basin he is glassing.
-When you come up to a guy who is sitting on a ridge glassing don't walk up to within 20 yards of him and use your rifle scope to glass the far hillside for 5 minutes (That other hunters are sitting on).
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