How to carry crampons

I have always nested them with the spikes facing eachother, straps wrapped around both pairs, then snug them under the lid of my pack. Never had any issues.
A lot of guys who use them a lot, just strap them on the outside of their pack spikes out, especially if they are doing a lot of mixed climbing.
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I have always nested them with the spikes facing eachother, straps wrapped around both pairs, then snug them under the lid of my pack. Never had any issues.

^^^ Or This^^^

I have a pair of Petzl Irvis Hybrids I take with me on every approach, hunt or high country outing. They have a corded link between the heel and toe plates that make them fold up into a very small package that I toss in one of my water bottle pockets. When I take my climbing Sarkens or Lynx I usually strapped them to the back of my pack with the crampons facing out for easy access and to protect any gear inside my bags.
Great light weight bags for crampons are the cotton canvas bags with a drawstring top that house the old cotton canvas game bag kits. This material doesn't get torn up like cordura by the spikes it seems, and is light for a small bag which just houses your crampons...and it will protect the rest of your gear from the crampons.

Also, while practicing self arrest on a suitable slope with a runout, try falling/sliding in every way possible and then arresting (head downhill face up and face down, and head up hill face down and face up). It is nice to develop that confidence that self arresting is possible, no matter what position you might find yourself in after falling, so then a person will be less apt to panic.