How often do you find unrecovered animals?

How often do you find unrecovered animals?

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Found a 6 point bull last year in Colorado archery season. Talked to folks camped close and they knew who shot it and let them know. Meat was junk at that point but could have kept the head.

Found a mule deer buck a few years ago in Kansas.

Found a cow elk in Montana archery in 2018. Game warden knew who killed it by the arrow.

So about every other year.
Someone shot into a group of cows? That would be guess. Killed 2, panicked and left.
I think the cow was shot a few days ago. The spike probably yesterday. 2.4 miles apart as the crow flies.

Where the spike is my guess is he didn't fall at the shot so nobody tracked, very close to the road.

The cow was where nobody would look for elk.
More or less ever year when I hunt elk. Raghorn this year, decent six last year. Pretty much the same for a fifteen year run we hunted Colorado. Have to wonder if folks never find an unrecovered animal are curious enough to walk up and see what the magpies are all over…..
I usually find one elk each season it seems like. Poor shot or poor follow up. I’d like to think people did what they should but we all know that isn’t always the case.
Here in PA, I estimate it averages out to 1 deer per year I find.

Think I've only ever found 1 elk. 2022 NM I was quartering my bull and took the hind to a nice shade tree about 25 yards from the carcass. I hung it and turned around, and had a brief WTH moment. "That's not my elk". Laying 40 yards from my bull was a 6x6 that was shot in 1st archery and not recovered.
Found a raghorn elk this year and a whitetail buck on one occasion. Few dead heads while shed hunting but I'm nothing of consistency. Funny thing was on the whitetail we couldn't find any wounds where it would have been shot.
I find typically 2 whitetail bucks a year on public. Almost always post shotgun season here in Iowa.