How much hunting does your wife let you get by with?

Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot

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That was my question.

Been happily married 32+ years now. Probably because there is no "letting" in our home.

I told my wife when we first started dating that all my spare time was spent hunting of fishing and if that was a problem for her, then don't date me. Simple as that. She reads books, sews and works a lot when I'm away (she's a school teacher so there is always some work she can be doing). I usually start to miss her by about day 7 or 8, and she's the same way. But after 27 years of raising kids, she's good with quiet time too.


Nov 13, 2015
I guess that's why I've never been married. I don't do "asking the warden" or whatever stupid phrases married guys use.
I'm all around having varied and even shared interests. Nobody should have to ask permission or letting one get by with.
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Jun 3, 2018
North Carolina
All I want. In 28 years she has never said no to my hunting or fishing. Three-fourths of the time she goes too. A good friend once told me I could have looked the whole world over and not found a better mate. He was dead on in his assessment.


Nov 28, 2021
I am blessed, my wife and I are like-minded and encourage each other to pursue hobbies that make us happy. I can go hunting as often/long as I like. But I try to find a good balance. When I am home I try to do things that make her happy.

Might sound dumb and I am ready to get flamed for it so bring it on! I think everyone should have their wife do the love languages test and try to do things that are aligned with their love language.


Feb 16, 2022
Take her with you. Help her be comfortable and ease her into it and she may want to continue going
Nov 14, 2020
Talk to her about balancing your wants and needs with hers. It’s the nature of marriage. Sounds like you have good radar for what she wants but it’s really an important long term goal for any relationship to be able to talk about stuff.


Sep 27, 2022
So how much time can you get out hunting before your wife/husband/whatever starts to put their foot down? Scenario: I was able to head out to Montana for 11 days, I'd originally planned for 2 weeks but decided to leave on a Monday and get back on a Friday so I only missed one weekend with the family, it was also my sons first day of school so I stayed to see him off. Everything worked out great, made it home, no issues, now I'm treading lightly and trying to get a read on if I dare push it for 5-6 days of rifle elk in October, or if I stick to hunting white tails on the weekends with a few odd days off and take 5-6 days for Mule deer in Mid November. I can't complain, my Spidey senses are telling my rifle elk might put a strain on things, but I know she'll be cool with my other shenanigans (relatively speaking). So I guess what I'm saying is I seem to be able to push one longer trip, one 5-6 day trip and a bunch of at home hunting before I end up in the dog house (On a busy year when I can pull the tags) How much can you get out and how do you keep the home fires burning? I'm sure a week somewhere warm is going to be on the docket this winter, and it looks like a craft show and a bunch of stuff around the house are in my future tomorrow, once I build some equity back up I'll be hitting the woods to check cameras
I guess it depends on how much money you have. No way I could hunt more than a trip or two a year and do my other hobbies as well. Gotta keep the wife happy as well. Maybe when I retire I could do more hunting if I’m not too broken by then.


Mar 14, 2017
3 young kids at home and my wife doesn't give me a hard time about going to hunt ever. Because she knows how important it is to me. To restrict me from doing what I love just seems insane and so many guys just accept that which is equally insane.

Screw that. You only have one life and just because you have a wife and kids does not mean you have to give up doing what you love. I'm home every weekend from December to September and every night after work spending all my free time with my family. Go on field trips as a chaperone. Attend every sports game.

So to answer the question I'll have hunted approximately 20 days from September till November this year. And I will probably hunt pheasants all December.

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Nov 26, 2018
Upstate NY
When I booked my biggest dream, a sheep hunt in Alaska, my wife bought me a rifle, boots, some clothing and then said “with everything we’ve invested in there’s no way you’re only doing one sheep hunt in your life”. Need I explain further?


Jun 28, 2012
I get to hunt all I want. My wife knew how much it meant to me before we ever got married. Evidently, some couples don’t know each other very well before they get married.
Jul 27, 2021
None , before we were married told her I was a hunter, she said she allready knew that. Been married 45 years never once has she complained.


Mar 16, 2021
A few days ago I told my wife maybe I should turn in my tag due to gas prices. She got mad and told me to go


Jan 13, 2015
Westminster, MD
Work is the problem not the wife or kids, I’m gone 20-30 days a year on trips and hunt whenever I want locally. Most of my buddies only escape is to drink, smoke dope, vape, cheat on wives, etc and are all miserable with life and out of shape. I really don’t like being around them since they are all so negative.

I will and do anything for my wife and kids and provide for them but I’m still a man and do what I enjoy in the outdoors. Only real complaint is my wife tells me to pick up a rifle once in a while since she wants a higher success rate than me bow hunting elk. 🧐


May 24, 2020
I always get threatened about not bringing meat home so I get to hunt as much as I want
Feb 8, 2017
Some previous girlfriends took issue with how much I hunt. It was as if they took it personally, like I'd rather spend time away from them than with them, even though we spent heaps of time together as well. Hence, those relationships didn't work.

Very lucky with my wife now as we hunt together regularly and she never limits me in whatever I want to do - be it hunting or guitar playing or fishing, etc. We both understand that we have our things we enjoy doing by ourselves just as much as we enjoy doing things together. When we hunt together I do things different and it's more of a relaxed time in the bush as opposed to going hard up every single mountain, but I'd rather have her with me most of the time.

Lucky down here as we can hunt 365 days a year and we have no bag limits. As a result, we go through huge amounts of wild game meat as we take as much as we want and also give a lot away to people/landowners/friends/family.

With the cost of diesel these days, my wife has SUGGESTED that I take a rifle a bit more often so the chance of me bringing meat home is better than when I walk around with my longbow. Haha. She does have a point, and all that means is I shoot a few deer one weekend to get our freezers topped up again and then I muck around and suck at hunting with my trad bows some more.


Jun 13, 2019
I got married when I was 21 or 22 and divorced a year later.

Single until I was almost 40.

We got married about 13 years ago and had 3 kids bang, bang, bang.

I did a lot of big hunts when I was single. Namibia, Spain, and a lot of draw hunts in the west.

Kids are little, it is harder to leave them. Just what it is.

I know guys married to women that hunt. This can also be a shit show.

Also know a couple of women who are married to men that don't hunt. Renee Snyder of Weatherby Award fame is one.

Hunt when you can, as much as you can afford. Divorce cost a lot, but if they are limiting your hunting then wait until the kids are grown and get rid of their ass.

Or if they are a control freak physcho do it sooner.

In our family every squirrel gets their nut. If I spend two weeks on a trip, she can pick the family trip or take a trip by herself. Money is the same. $10,000 hunt equals a trip for her.

Make it equal-ish, and it will get rid of a lot of problems.

If you want to hunt 100 days a year, and do it alone. Maybe you should just be alone and get hookers. Be a hell of a lot cheaper.

Something else to think about.

My parents are 83 and 74. She has dimensia and they need eachother. At some point we all end up in this situation. Don't be a dick about everything.

It is supposed to be someone of a partnership.


Jul 13, 2022
I have none now I am retired and remarried. My hunting helped cost my first marriage but we have short seasons in Oregon thanks to poor game management. Ps had to get that in