Stick with whatever works for you to get your body and mental state ready. I used to do the elliptical as my primary cardio but got so bored even with Clapton/Led Zep/Lynyrd Skynyrd blasting and watching sheep-hunt DVD's umpteen times. Living in MS you've got to be creative.
My routine last three years...and I'm going to be 62 in June.
Today-Saturday: Gym at home-90 min weights/abs/core-One-arm row; shoulder shrugs; hammer curls; abs wide-V flutters & ab roller; squat-hammer curl-shoulder press; rotating upward chop. 30-minute break then 35lb Eberlestock/switch to Kenetreks and do Steps/Hill-about 50' elevation change up/down for 90 minutes. Then catch my breath, get a cold beer, then take my wife out to dinner after she gets back from her spin class. Our home is on one of the few hills in our area...
Sunday-21-25 miles on hybrid hardtail MTN bike on bike trails-usually takes me 1 hr 35-40 minutes and have the STRAVA app to keep up with calories, miles and any elevation changes.
Monday-Rest, as Monday's the craziest/busy day at work.
Tuesday early a.m.-Stretch 15 minutes. Gym at at home-Then low back extensions; skull crushers; shoulder press; dumbbell swing-I don't have a kettle bell; various planks; ab roller.
Wednesday early a.m.-Stretch 15 minutes. Eberlestock 35lbs (Put wheat seed in 2 kitchen trash bags w 2 towels at bottom of backpack) steps/hill for 90 minutes.
Thursday-usually early day finished at work. 20-25 miles on the bike-put it in back of my truck along with small ice chest of water/electrolytes and one "Rx Bar" for energy.
Friday-Go to gym early a.m. in the same building as my office, and run 3-5 miles, shower and head to office- supposed to only work 1/2 day but usually don't finish til 430-5pm.
Start all over on Saturday...eventually, about a month before start of hunt, work up to 50lbs in the Eberlestock. I typically do some type of cycling/cardio with light weights all year, then this routine kicks in about mid-February after waterfowl season is over and we've put everything up end of January in the MS Flyway.
I'll be flying out July 29th headed to visit the Yukon with Dan Reynolds and his crew...hope to find a real old ram in the Ogilvie Mountains! And as my preference points build up in the USA, I hope to get lucky on a non-resident tag sooner than later!