How many strings do you go through each year?


Jan 6, 2020
South Central NE
Just curious. I feel like it shoot more than average but I’m sure not as much as tournament guys. I usually change mine out after turkey season and shoot it the rest of the year. Usually buy 1-2 each year. Wondering if that’s average or not?
Just curious. I feel like it shoot more than average but I’m sure not as much as tournament guys. I usually change mine out after turkey season and shoot it the rest of the year. Usually buy 1-2 each year. Wondering if that’s average or not?
My bows pretty extreme and I shoot like most hunters, roughly 200days a year, more so on weekends. A few 3d tournaments and as fall approaches it’s a daily thing. My bow gets restrung when it starts to fray and the quality of the string has dictated that. Right now I’m rocking a custom pinnacle and that’s been my favorite string so far. My ABB’s did not last 8 months each and were the shortest lived, both winners choices were 1.5 years and seemed to be the longest lived so far.
A year or so and then I'll build a new one. I usually build the new one before the last is totally dead and then keep the old one for a back up.

I've only broken two strings in all my years shooting. One broke at a the limb tip and one failed under the serving. Both we obviously worn out when they failed.
I shoot a bunch, and I shoot a bunch of bows - and I probably wear out a string a year. I play with different stings though so I use approximately 4 - 5 strings a year.
I don’t shoot as much as when I was younger but unless my strings are frayed or over stretched I don’t change them, mine last for years. I don’t shoot my compound much at all, I shoot recurves mostly. It’s nice when it comes to string changes, 30.00.
I can't shoot very much in a day because of nerve damage and getting twitchy. If I keep them waxed, now probably two years.
I shoot quite a bit throughout the year usually but also different bows. I keep an eye on them and wax regularly. Typically I'll get 2+ years out of a string. Once new string is setup and shooting well, the old becomes the backup.
My strings are from Allen is a great guy that builds awesome strings.
I run one for a few months and then move it to my backup pile. I make my own strings and have several that go with me on my hunt.
I make my own strings. My recurve uses fast stings. I’ve bought 2 big spools 20ish years ago and still have plenty. I put a new string about mid summer and use the old one for back up.
On my homemade self bows I use linen strings. They don’t last long so I change them 2-3 times a year.
Wow I must be doing something wrong. I've been shooting trad exclusively for 25+ years now, shooting thousands of arrows a year, and not once have I felt I "wore out" a string. I was just shooting my Silvertip (Original Paul built) and I guarantee that string is over 10 years old and has probably 15K shots on it. It's been re-served a couple times, but it's no where near ready for replacement. Hell it sounds like some of you guys are switching them out before they are fully stretched! :LOL:
I couldnt tell you.

I have two for each bow. But thats just so I have a backup for each for hunting. Well made strings last. Couple years on most of them with about 400 arrows a week.

Check for normal string damage and wear like you would on any string. Reserve if necessary. But I havent really had one wear out. I have had them get damaged, hence my backup situation.
I use to change strings every year. Now I’m pretty sure I’ve been shooting the same string since 2017 on my Habu Vyperkahn and it’s still in great shape. That said I don’t shoot nearly as much as I use to.