How many arrows do you lose/break per year? Target shooting.

Shooting purely at my own targets in 2023, I lost 1. Technically I found that arrow, but in doing so I cracked the shaft. In 2023 at animals, in particular groundhogs, I lost about 8. Also went and did a steel target shoot at LCA, that was fun but dumb, and not something I typically do. Sacrificed 3 arrows to the steel.

Currently have 9 target arrows and 21 hunting arrows, hoping that stash lasts for a long time.
Lost or broke 2 in the last 18 months. One was a bonehead move at the NW Mountain Challenge when I forgot to adjust my dial, one was a long shot at the local range and I shot low and hit the rebar in the bottom third of the moose target. I typically don’t lose or break many.
I normally break at least one in an animal every year. When shooting a lot of 3D I’ll break or lose one or two. Most years I finish with a few less. I try to pick up used arrows when I find good deals and build a couple dozen arrows out of them. It helps that I can shoot a 27” arrow.
I usually order/build my arrows 2 dozen at a time. That will usually get me through a full year, sometimes 2. I have used Easton Axis for the last 5 years. Switched to Black Eagle Rampages with all Easton Components this year So far I have only broken one. I would say my average for broken or lost arrows is 4-6 on a normal year.
Type of arrows make a huge difference. I broke 18 GT Kinetic XT 200's over a three year span, and almost every one of those was behind the inserts. Least durable arrows I've ever to my 6.9gpi Victory Vforce HV1's. But I expected those to be fragile with such light weight and thin walls. But those were great for high speeds for 3D.

Compare those to my old Trophy Ridge Crush 300's that I shot for 7 years without breaking one.
My quiver fell over in the truck while shutting the door this spring and that snapped 3. I had 4 busted in 3d targets stove piped from behind. Don't remember busting any shooting field, they have pins.

Did a few dumb things while shooting broadheads at targets, cost several arrows.

I'd say I'm minimum of 8 a year.
Loosing them to a Robin hood is acceptable all day long.