How many rounds do you pack in with you on a hunt?

Aug 21, 2016
Deer, bear, cougar, wolves, coyotes, etc. More animals to kill than just deer.

You’re a god if you use 30 rounds on one outing and come out with a deer, bear, cougar, wolf, coyote, etc on a single trip.

One trip i did kill a buck and a coyote on the way out though but that was two shots.

But hey, if you think you need 30 have at it i’m not telling anyone what to do i was just shocked seeing how many everyone is bringing is all. Some carry with them what i think i’d actually use in 10 seasons, not joking! Haha


Jun 6, 2023
You’re a god if you use 30 rounds on one outing and come out with a deer, bear, cougar, wolf, coyote, etc on a single trip.

One trip i did kill a buck and a coyote on the way out though but that was two shots.

But hey, if you think you need 30 have at it i’m not telling anyone what to do i was just shocked seeing how many everyone is bringing is all. Some carry with them what i think i’d actually use in 10 seasons, not joking! Haha
I know I don’t need 30. That’s why I have 20.


Jul 12, 2023
I heard a guy way up at timberline shoot 12 times - spaced enough apart that these were aimed shots - I figured he must have just killed the biggest monster buck in all of Wyoming. Curiosity started me over to the ridge all the shooting came from. I found two western Oregon hunters who had taken down a 3 point mulie - in the early morning light this deer looked so big compared to the little black tail they were used to that it must be a shooter. They had mis judged the range by at least 150 yards and were shooting over him. Those two poor souls dragged that 3 point 5 miles in 10 hrs, but they managed to get it down in one piece! Lol

Pack at least a box in case a 3 point pops out and you lose all common sense.

I normally take 10 if it’s only a 5 mile walk back to the truck. Hunting solo I’ve packed twice that - breaking a leg makes signaling with the rifle a pretty good idea.

Hoosker Doo

May 23, 2020
Afton, WY
Most of the time, a few will do. But those of you saying 3 or 5 must have never been on a hunt where a "hit" elk (low, high, liver, etc) stands up after dropping on the first shot and heads for the timber. Shooting with limited windows of opportunity at a wounded animal might take a miss or two before you put it down. And what if the first shot is a miss, and you hit on the follow up. I'd feel pretty naked with one shot left and praying I didn't need to use it.
Or have hunted with someone who freehand an "easy" 100 yard shot (no practice prior) and after their gun is empty and a buck is gimping away says they have no more bullets and asks to borrow your gun.
I carry 10 on the gun Including a buttstock shell holder. If I have my pack there may be a few more there.
Jun 29, 2022
Western Kentucky
Full mag of 3 plus 1 in the chamber, extra 5 round mag, and one ol trusty in the left chest pocket hahaha (not really).
There's usually another 3-5 loose in the pack.


Feb 6, 2022
Western MT
I usually carry a MTM ammo wallet which carrys 9 rounds. It’s quiet and thin.

So far, I‘ve only needed one round for each big game animal for the past 4 decades. I didn’t hunt every year with a rifle. I’m sure that makes me atypical, but I don’t go for long range shots. I also only shoot under pretty much perfect conditions and never shoot at running animals.

I grew up head shooting squirrels, so comparatively big game animals are huge.


Dec 19, 2020
I have one of the FHF 5 cartridge holders in my pack or harness plus what’s in the rifle. The remainder of the box is in the truck, never needed it though.


Dec 20, 2013
South Island New Zealand
Crazy to see the low numbers!

I carry 20 at least haha.

As a guide ive seen way to many wounded animals, and random shit happen. Ammo is light and cheap in the scheme of things. and walking home empty handed is a slow and long walk.

Depends on the game we are hunting, but ive carried as many as 50 for a day hunt....and used them all haha. (but thats more 'culling' not 'hunting')
Apr 17, 2018
I always carry at least 2 mags for most of my hunts. On a trip plus my sidearm. 2 cylinders worth for that.


Feb 17, 2018
OK, so some people are considering multiple tags and guiding what seem to be inexperienced hunters, plinking, ...fair enough. What I'm more curious about is all the people packing, for themselves, a dozen or more rounds for one single tag: How did you arrive at that number, i.e. what is the scenario where you envision needing that many? (and if your answer is some variation of "it's more than I think I would ever need", I'm asking how many you think you would ever realistically need and what that situation would look like). I'm personally carrying 2 full magazines, which is 6 rounds, nearly 100% of the time, but I'm curious about the number of people who carry significantly more who seem to be in the majority.
  • rifle only--not counting sidearm if you carry, not counting a secondary shotgun/.22, etc
  • no guiding, this is just you
  • no plinking for fun/boredom, just the hunt
  • you only have one deer/elk/bear/sheep/moose/whatever tag. one critter only--assume you wont be shooting any coyotes or other varmints.
What is the accounting of shots that you carry 20+ cartridges on a hunt? Hypothetical example, I can see missing a critter with a full magazine (3 rounds for me), then re-zeroing rifle (3-round group, adjust, another 3-round group, adjust, 3-round group to confirm), then another two 3-round magazines--that's a total of 18 rounds and you are never hunting on a single tag without 2 full mags.
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Apr 1, 2023
Eugene, OR
4 in the rifle, 5 in my pack.
This year I’m going to try out my single shot 243, where I’ll just carry 6 rounds in a pouch on the stock.
Dec 31, 2021
I carry 4 in the rifle, 5 in my vest and 18 or 20 on my belt. I used 10 one time in a thicket with 50 mph winds. Elk stood still but I kept hitting the tree next to its head.

Worst I heard was a friend went out after school with just a magazine full. Wounded a bull then used up his shells in a running gun battle through a bunch of cliffs. Someplace in there lost his knife and his brother found him 4 miles later on the county road trying to finsh off the bull with a rock.

I'm prone to plan for oh shits.