Love the mini action.... BUT.... my experience with 3 of them has been varied.
My first, 7.62x39, 22" sporter, bought 5 years ago. HTI stock, JO blind bottom metal, rifle basix trigger. consistent 3/4" rifle with Horn Black 123gr SST. Other quality ammo would be in the 1.5" range, which was perfectly fine with me for what the rifle was. Surplus was anywhere from 2"-4" groups. I was stupid and sold it buy the Grendel barreled action below, since quality ammo for it costs as much as any other caliber nowadays.
2nd one was ,223, 20" heavy barrel. Absolutely wouldn't shoot MOA with anything I tried. At last count I think I have over 20 different factory loads in the ammo bin. Tried the factory HTI stock, B&C M40, three different bottom metals and 4 different scopes. In my mind, there's NO reason a factory .223 shouldn't be capable of MOA with multiple loads.
3rd (and current) is 6.5 Grendel, 20"HB, bought as barreled action from Brownell's. B&C sporter stock. JO floorplate bottom metal. So far the only thing it will shoot under an inch is AAC 123gr OTM and the AAC 123gr FMJ, out of 10 different factory loads, and nothing with a hunting bullet will do under 1.75". Super disappointed in it. I bought it to have a light recoil 300 yd deer rifle and longer range predator gun than the 7.62x39. But damn does it handle well and feel good in the hands, even with a 22 oz Nightforce SHV on it. I might rebarrel it, not sure. Tempted to buy a .223 bolt off ebay and then have it turned into a 300 HAM'R, unless a smith wants to do work on the original bolt face to make it work. I'm not a reloader though, so 300 HAM'R will cost as much or more to shoot than my .308. It just won't have as much recoil and the mini rifles handle SO nicely. Decisions, decisions.