How many of you will be in SLC for Expo next week?

I hear the ads on a radio station here in Grand Junction. The guy doing the ads is using some kind of a fake "good ol' boy" southern accent, because it's a hunting convention, like we all talk like that. This is in the west dude! We natives don't talk like that that. I'll pass...
Was hoping to get there to reclaim one of the couple hundred poached NR tags up for raffle but flights are prohibitively expensive so I’m going to have to pass. Nothing would be sweeter than drawing one of the expo tags that SWF stole from the public draw.
Was hoping to get there to reclaim one of the couple hundred poached NR tags up for raffle but flights are prohibitively expensive so I’m going to have to pass. Nothing would be sweeter than drawing one of the expo tags that SWF stole from the public draw.

What would be sweeter than that is if absolutely nobody showed up to give those crooks any money.
Thought about it. Had a room booked for two nights. Then I decided the $500 or so it would take could go to a better use...