How many days have you spent in the mountains this year?

For me it hasn't been much due to another busy fire season here in CA but I would say for me it's 18-20 days but this is broken up between summer scouting and my two tags I had this year for CA. But the year ain't over yet for me still got a bear tag in the pocket and headed out for the wknd
Maybe 20 days total...probably 14 overnight. Tag soup on elk, and managed to take one small blacktail buck in early archery season.

I found out I'm just as good at killing deer with my truck as I am with my bow on Saturday Night!
Bummer elk! Been there too many times. And same boat as cali for me. Busy season put me out about 15 days. But that does not count shed hunting
42 days for backpack hunting and scouting since April. I'm pretty much done for the year. My wife is at 30 weeks with twins and I'm signed up to be the stay at home Dad :) Next season will be way less, I will have to hunt smart instead of hard I guess :)
3 days scouting in August
3 days Archery Deer hunting September
10 days Elk hunting in September
3 days Deer hunting in October
4 days elk hunting November

So thats 20 days total in the field.
elkmtngear, I'm glad you clarified that was your truck as I was thinking 500 Ultra-mag or the sort! Looks like a big-bodied deer. I hope truck came out better than the buck. OUCH
I didn't get as much as I would like. Being an on call welder for a farm takes a lot of time.
3-scouting deer
2-scouting elk
8- hunting elk
4- hunting deer
8-helping with others tags.
Planning on a few more this year.
9 days in the Wrangells- I will keep going up there as long as I have this guy flying. That is a 180 on a 100 yard lateral morraine. Bad weather horizontal sleet-except for one day. Wife saw the only legal ram while we were roped climbing an icefall. He busted us on the skyline and we didn't have time to cut him off.
I know that might seem like a sissy to some. I took my wife to upper Barnard glacier and we walked 23 miles to the lower strip.

The creeks flowing to the glacier were flooding the whole way so we had to use ice climbing pro to get around the cornices that kind of cut us off. My wife has said that she will never go on a cross country death march with me again. She likes to go to a base camp and then spike out. However, when we had rocks the size of large automobiles coming down on us off of the cathedrals, she said probably not.
6 days hunting moose along the Tanana no moose yet.
Pneumonia robbed me of our caribou bowhunting trip to Franklin Bluffs. I was sick for 1.5 months until my wife forced me to go to the Doctor.
Now I could go after moose again. DM783-I probably will this weekend.

Not worried. I got to continue my weird regimen until I retire in a couple of years. Then I will get to hunt the god rams of Steamboat Mesa, West Fork, Walsh Glacier and Gull Rock.
Nobody has hunted them in 20 years.
As long as I teach I will never get to go where I want. I am stuck helping run my wife's shop during much of the summer and I am about three years out of my part time indentured servitude at a box store. But god I have some awesome deals on gear.
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Excellent recap Thomas!!!

Is that a transporter with the 180, or just a kick ass private pilot?
Gary is McCarthy Air. It is slowly getting taken over by Ultima Thule. Gary is from a different era in history.
I had no clue, so I asked my wife.85 days either hunting, guiding or scouting.(pretty much off the top of her head, oddly enough). Three more scouting trips before guiding a seven day late elk day after Thanksgiving.Then I have a late whitetail tag down south I finally drew from Dec 13 through the 31st. Trying for at least six on it....
I had no clue, so I asked my wife.85 days either hunting, guiding or scouting.(pretty much off the top of her head, oddly enough). Three more scouting trips before guiding a seven day late elk day after Thanksgiving.Then I have a late whitetail tag down south I finally drew from Dec 13 through the 31st. Trying for at least six on it....

If that was off the top of her head, then you've got problems brewing! ;)
Time to spoil her! (not to imply that you don't.)
I'm at 60 days right now... probably log another 10 days before the year's out between my last deer tag (5 days) and some wolf/lion hunting. I keep a calendar that I schedule & log my days in the field with. Surprised me when I started counting...