How long will the ammo shortage last?

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Oct 29, 2018
The market forces of supply and demand are difficult to predict. All markets, including the ammo/ammo component markets, have so many variables. My guess is this extreme part of the cycle will end sooner than later. I’m thinking this summer. Just speculation though.

I’ve substantially reduced my shooting. Not to the point of stopping. Just not as much. I’m not willing to pay these massively inflated prices. And don’t have time to wait at a retailer for them to get their shipments. I have a reasonable supply of ammo at the moment. And hopefully things get back to ”normal” soon.


Dec 19, 2016
Eastern Montana
I’d sure like primers to make a comeback, but not optimistic. I have enough large, but short on SR. I have enough, just not plenty I guess.

I have 4lbs of Reloader 26 I’d trade for a new F150 though.

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Dec 6, 2019
Southern OK
I’d sure like primers to make a comeback, but not optimistic. I have enough large, but short on SR. I have enough, just not plenty I guess.

I have 4lbs of Reloader 26 I’d trade for a new F150 though.

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I owe you for all the stock info on the other thread. You get in a bind for some SR primers, I’ll send some your way.


Dec 19, 2016
Eastern Montana
I owe you for all the stock info on the other thread. You get in a bind for some SR primers, I’ll send some your way.

I appreciate the offer, dad saved me! When I left AK I had to get rid of a lot of stuff due to border restrictions, thought heck SR primers are everywhere, I’ll sell all these CCI BR’s, oops!

Was lucky enough to get 9mm at Bass Pro as they were unpacking it, so good for now.

He had an extra 1200 SR primers for me, I traded him some 5.56 ammo I don’t use anymore. I just won’t shoot the 223 much for a while except at coyotes.
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Feb 2, 2020
Are they also standing in line for hair ties for their man buns and at the grocery store for their craft beers?

Hey now... I really hate man buns. Worked in the craft beer industry for nearly ten years though. There's nothing wrong with a good small brewery beer! It has gotten out of hand though. The market is too flooded and hip
Feb 2, 2020
Democrats = are generally pro gun control and generally err on the side of govt regs/control vs personal liberty
Republicans = are generally pro 2A and generally lean towards preservation of civil liberty vs govt regs/control

If you listen and aggregate data over a long period of time this is just the truth. People tell you who they are and what they’re for if you just listen to them. Knock it off with the ridiculous cherry picked Obama bullet points and say Dems are good for gun rights and 2A preservation. It’s what people do these days, say up is down, right is left, and here’s a couple convenient data points that irrefutably back it up. Seriously, knock it off.

As for the ammo shortage, a new part of my routine is checking ammoseek at 6 am every day, although 7mm-08 in 140 Accubond is like a unicorn currently. Hopefully in a month or two!

Yea it really sucks there's not a third party in the middle that supports 2A, personal liberties, capitalism, and the environment.


Sep 9, 2020
Yea it really sucks there's not a third party in the middle that supports 2A, personal liberties, capitalism, and the environment.
There's a branch of libertarians that don't have their head in the sand regarding the enviroment. They just think we need a market solution to it and not governmental.


Sep 9, 2020
Hey now... I really hate man buns. Worked in the craft beer industry for nearly ten years though. There's nothing wrong with a good small brewery beer! It has gotten out of hand though. The market is too flooded and hip
The market is flooded, but I'd rather see every small town have their own local brewery with local people than a single dollar go to the multinationals that are AB and SAB where the profits go overseas.
Oct 17, 2020
Took 2-3 years to start seeing ammo in significant numbers here in CA after Obama was elected. For whatever reason, .22 lr was unobtainium for years. My guess is the ones that have 100000 rounds of .22 are the same people that have 500 rolls of tp.
.22 was a problem after Obama got elected because he passed environmental regulations that put the US's remaining lead smelter out of business. We had to start importing lead from countries like China and India (where they are no-doubt maintaining clean and green facilities . . *roll eyes*).
Oct 17, 2020
Those caught off guard by this shortage would be well served to take a look at recent history, as it tends to repeat itself. This literally happens every 4 years. Ammo was back in stock by spring, en mass, the last time.
Way different situation here. In 2016 the ammo/firearms shortage was caused by fears that Trump would lose. Companies ramped up production, Trump won, the market for guns/ammo crashed. Companies suffered huge financial losses. This is a big part of the reason they didn't increase capacity this time. But now we have a combination of a Presidential election, COVID-19 fears about a zombie apocalypse, and the civil unrest we've seen throughout the country this year.
Oct 17, 2020
Sure it will, same as when Obama first won. But, thats the thing about opinions, everyone has one. Covid vaccine combined with folks realizing Biden can't unilaterally eliminate the 2A just because he was elected and things will he back to normal late spring. Its like clockwork.

But be many cases of toilet paper do you have stockpiled in the basement? The world is not ending and people are not taking our guns. The faster folks realize that and stop feeding into the hoarding mentality, the quicker the shelves are will be full.
Save this post in case the Georgia runoff goes poorly for the GOP. If so, they will in fact, be "taking our guns" and eliminating most legal ways to buy new ones.
Oct 17, 2020
I am not someone who thinks they sky is falling with Biden, but legitimately he does have a much more developed anti-gun platform than Obama did.

An article I read recently suggested Obama was a bit hamstrung in his first term on anti-gun measures as that was not central to his platform. Not much got passed during his second term despite Sandy Hook, but that was more due to the composition of the congress than what he would have signed had the legislation made it to his desk.
Correct. Again, if the Georgia Senate seat goes poorly and Biden/Harris have a cooperative Senate things will not go well for gun owners, gun shops, or manufacturers. Remington went away courtesy of $800 Million in lawsuits from Sandy Hook after CT allowed them to be sued. Near the top of the Biden/Harris agenda is to remove legal protections from gun manufacturers. Also, elimination of all internet sales of guns, parts and ammo. They have very aggressive and outspoken plans to severely limit and curtail gun ownership.


Dec 19, 2016
Eastern Montana

There’s still primers if you are desperate. They were $125/1000 a couple months ago, looks like they are increasing as people getting nervous about a 1-2 year dry spell

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Oct 17, 2020
I don’t know... I don’t mean to offend anyone who voted for Biden in this last election, but he seems to a puppet for the Democratic Party. I think any Dems who are first time gun buyers are buying guns due to them knowing under Biden, we’re going to see more restrictions.

The first school shooting we experience under Biden is going result in an immediate and concerted effort to put new restrictions in place. I would envision something like what New Zealand recently experienced.
It's really worrisome that people haven't paid attention to Biden/Harris policies around guns. I get that we've had false alarms with Obama and Clintion . . although Clinton wasn't a false alarm. Anyone remember the assualt rifle and magazine capacity bans? Thankfully those were watered down enough to be ineffective and expired. With the on-going mass shootings we've seen over the years there is real traction for gun control these days. Harris would like to remove all private ownership of guns.


Mar 25, 2016
Couple of things I didn’t see mentioned:

1) I think the push for only non-lead ammo in national forests and other public lands began/accelerated under the Obama admin/EPA which pretty significantly increases the cost of ammo

2) I remember reading the last lead smelting plant in the US also was shut down partially by pressure by the EPA under that same administration
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