Yea, soaking meat in ice water, turns to a grey nasty “ tofo” looking piece of goo. There’s no reason to soak meat in water, I know it’s a thing in the southern states, I have friends that some still do it because thats the way they were brought up. But I have proven to them there is no reason to soak a perfectly cared for piece of meat in ice water. If your having problems with gamey taste, that your trying to rinse out, then your not not taking care of the animal in the field properly. Do you know any butcher, meat processing place that soaks any kinda meat in ice water ?I hope not, there’s a reason, they know what there doing. We used to process beef, pork, chickens, and game of all kinds for people, my dad ran a smoke house for a butcher shop. And we still know many that do it commercially, and not a one soaks any kind of meat in ice water ( unless to marinate it, for cooking). But if that’s the way you like it, that’s fine, but if cared for properly, there is no need. In turn water breeds bacteria, yes even cold water. Keep meat dry and cold. Off my soap box.You mean meat tofu, nasty. But if you like it , soak it, the longer the better.
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