How far are your average predator shots?

Whistled in and taken a couple hundred foxes. Average shot with the bow is 5 yards.
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50-150 yards mostly. Calling tends to bring them in closer but things happen faster than I like inside 100 so I tend to drop them before they get inside 100 if I can. Also killed a few that hung up at 600-700 yards but that’s more the exception than the rule.
20-150 yards. Where I get to hunt it is thick and a shotgun and a center fire rifle are wise to carry. I’m thinking about starting to use my climbing stands to help get my wind above the animals plus I can see further. Hoping to hook up with some pastures but have always noticed they stay in the woods mostly and will not come out into the field. Too many “ Hunters “ around educating them.
25-100 yards usually calling for me. Just depends on the country and how the coyotes react at each stand. I have glassed coyotes a long ways out that were hung up and wouldn't come in. I have had coyotes run over the call. Thats why its so dang fun. You just never know. I have a few buddies that carry a shotgun and a rifle to each stand.
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Most coyotes under 125 yards or so. I did shoot one at 240, but that is the exception for me.
typically 20-40 yards for me I try further but they seem to respond best in the flat thick stuff.