Euro mount costs.

$200 for a pronghorn I took to a Southest South Dakota taxidermist. Unskinned head and mounted on a plaque.
Central WI I see $80 to $100 from guys I've gone too.

I had one done in SW Wisconsin last year and it was about $130 on a plaque. If memory serves me right the plaque was $50 so the clean and whitening was right at $80. I’ve got another one there from this season but never really discussed price as I was happy with his work and assumed it’d be a similar price.

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Several "real" taxidermists in my area doing them for 125 to 150 for deer and 175 to 225 for elk. The best one I know in Wyoming has a 48 hour turn around during hunting season. He has a 3 person crew and does an amazing job. To the guys scoffing at this, frankly you don't have a clue.

If you are just starting out, focus on excellent quality and don't overbook or cut corners. Build a reputation and you will make your profits in years 3+ after you build local trust. Imo, you should do 30+ heads before ever charging for one. Local meat lockers can get you heads from smaller animals hunters don't care about. Make sure you are good, and are confident in your craft before taking someone's money. One bad job can ruin a taxidermists career. Good luck.
I would also add, you should learn how to cape animals. Hunters only wanting a euro, most of the time will let you keep a cape if they happen to bring it to you in good enough shape to use. Those can be sold to other taxidermists for a decent profit. Your skinning the head anyways, might as well make the extra money.
I wouldn't go any cheaper than 125. You never want to be the cheapest guy. If you have done them you know their not that fun.
I did ours this week and always forget how bad they suck 😂
The amount of work to do them yourself is actually very minimal. I can’t believe anyone would pay more than $50 to have a skull cleaned...

We do ours ourselves. I have, AT MOST, 1/2 hour of my time invested.
The rest is just simmering in low in borax soap letting the skull separate from the meat on its own.
-Re-soak in hot dawn dish soap water for a couple hours
-Spray off
-Glue teethe
-Paint (if you want to, we do)

Total time is for sure less than 1 hour. Probobly 1/2 hour of hands on to be honest….

Showroom quality? Nah, but I saved a LOT of money over the years just doing them myself.

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I’d charge a little more than the highest paid guy - your secret proprietary process kept behind the magic curtain takes a lot more time and is simply more expensive - you’re almost loosing money at this price, but it’s a better end result - the best way. :-)
@cnelk's buddy does a great job.

It's well worth $200 to me for my mount to be done right and I don't have to dispose of head tissue in my yard.
If its a simple simmer, powerwash, whiten, then its about $100-125 around here. If you want it properly degreased then double it at least. No plaque.
I use oxyclean and a little dawn in the simmer. No boil just slow simmer for 4-6 hours. I do this in a pot on the grill.

Then use a power washer.

I mix some baking soda with the peroxide into a paste and then paint it on and let it sit on it for about 24 hours.

These two steps seem to degrease and whiten perfectly.

After the boil and power wash.

After the bleaching.
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