how dumb is this/are people?

That's way too much for 10 grams of gold. Gold $2,247/ounce today. I have 100 $1 silver walking liberty coins. I'm rich.
What am I missing here? Can someone please show me what a gram of silver looks like?? I’m thinking something like a 1” piece of #2 pencil lead?

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What am I missing here? Can someone please show me what a gram of silver looks like?? I’m thinking something like a 1” piece of #2 pencil lead?

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They're these flat thin rectangular little token looking things. You can buy 1g of gold to it's just thinner.
I think people get caught up in auctions and don’t think about what they’re actually paying. I saw an online auction recently where a vortex Diamondback 3-9x40 riflescope sold for $210, I could buy the same scope on Amazon for $207 and not pay the auction house a $26 premium on top of paying over retail

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I think people get caught up in auctions and don’t think about what they’re actually paying. I saw an online auction recently where a vortex Diamondback 3-9x40 riflescope sold for $210, I could buy the same scope on Amazon for $207 and not pay the auction house a $26 premium on top of paying over retail

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I see that sometimes too.. I'll be bidding on something on ebay and there are identical items (new) listed on there with a "buy it now" for $X, and the auction item will end up going for more than $X..
What am I missing here? Can someone please show me what a gram of silver looks like?? I’m thinking something like a 1” piece of #2 pencil lead?

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1 gram of silver would be the size of one #6 shot
You see stuff like this on Ebay and even Amazon from private sellers, where they're asking for several times what the going rate is. I often wonder how frequently stupid people fall for that. Given the average person today......probably quite a bit these days.

Just in case any folks on here are thinking they missed out on this great buy......I have some 1oz silver rounds I'll sell you for $3887.50/ea. That's the equivalency for this auction's closing bid......without the tax and buyer's premium.....LOL.
I saw it all the time at horse auctions . People would buy a bunch of lead ropes at tractor supply and auction them off . The dummies would get all caught up in trying to outbid the other guy and twice what it cost at Tractor supply .
Local fire department had an '82 chevy 1 ton truck on the government bid site a few years ago, body was nice but it was an old truck with some minor mechanical issues. One of the guys on the department was into mud trucks and had a mechanic shop and was after it hard. He ran it up and someone had a proxi bid on it, he got to the point he just wanted to see what the other guy was willing to pay for it. I think he ran it up to $16k on a truck that he was willing to go 7-8k on. When the guy that bought it came to pick it up he said he'd fat fingered his proxi bid and had no intention of going that high on it.
Somehow I can never be on the selling end of those deals when they take place
Lots of folks buy these 100 gram sheets.
In a SHTF situation, you have a way to break down "metals" into small(er) denominations.
Offered in both silver and gold.
At this posting, the 100 gram silver "sheet" is $160.43.
