How do you use doe in heat lure?

Apr 4, 2017
north idaho
a friend of mine was telling me I should check out the doe in heat scents. How do most people use them.
He is old school and told me to put some on my shoes and walk a trail to where I want the buck to come into.
I see these wicks people put up in a tree. Do you put multiple wicks in trees in a row, leading the buck to your spot?
never tried and am curious. thanks tim
I take a rag and dump some urine on it, tie it to a stick with fishing line and drag it next to me on my way to my stand. Then hang it in a tree near my stand. It works. You'll get bucks cruising that pick up the trail and follow it in. Doesn't always work, seems to work well with young bucks. But definitely worth a shot
Agreed that it works with younger more curious animals. I don't use it, though- since everyone and their brother in the woods over the next three weeks will be using it, I think older, smarter bucks associate the scent of any doe estrous that is not perfectly natural with hunting pressure. Do remember that deer have an incredibly perceptive sense of smell- they can tell not only sex but also age and even physical condition by an animal's olfactory profile. I think they know something's up when you bring urine from a farm hundreds of miles away into their area.
I like to dab a little behind the ear and shake my ass for the big boys.....seriously though.

I am a big fan of cutting out tarsal glands from a doe off the property and dragging behind me on my way in. I did use VS1 for sometime but it got so expensive and kept forgetting to order before season.

I agree with OXN939, off the shelf doe in heat may spook them more than help since its not a resident.
a friend of mine was telling me I should check out the doe in heat scents. How do most people use them.
He is old school and told me to put some on my shoes and walk a trail to where I want the buck to come into.
I see these wicks people put up in a tree. Do you put multiple wicks in trees in a row, leading the buck to your spot?
never tried and am curious. thanks tim
They'll follow your tracks back to your vehicle if you put it on your shoes or a drag. They follow it to the freshest spot, which is where you applied it. Seen that happen several times. They might eventually track back to you, but may not. I usually just put it up on wicks, or those resealable Stink Sticks, and apply it around my stand.

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My "old man rant"....after 40 years of serious whitetail bowhunting I can count the positive responses to scent on about 1 finger. I wish I had all the $ back I spent on what is mostly snake oil. With CWD risks and the hassle and expense of scents I swore them off in 2019. I am done. It may work but sometimes simple and clean is better.
Rattling is another story. I have rattled in well over 100 bucks and never leave the house after mid-October without them.
Only whitetail scent I’ve had any luck with was Trail’s End, and even that was limited to young deer. Mature deer, even does, seem to have more negative reactions to it than positive. Of course, I could be using it all completely wrong.
I got this guy November 14th a few years ago. Setup a ground blind in the afternoon and dipped a wick into a bottle of tinks and hung it on a tree limb 40yards from my blind. Walked back to my blind and waited 5 minutes. He walked in very cautiously.
it was the height of the rut and I was in a new area so I felt I would try it out.
1. Take off the first two weeks of November
2. Hunt downwind of trails circling doe bedding
3. Wait for a buck to seek out an estrous doe
4. Leave playing with stale piss to less sophisticated primates

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Thanks for the info everyone.
I am in a little different situation than most. My biggest bucks have all came at the end of November after a humgous storm. The whitetails actually migrate a few miles here. So new bucks do show up when the snow pushes them out of the surrounding mtns. I am in north Idaho.

it is fun, to read the responses to this. Snake oil or works, I will try it and see. My kitchen table actually sits over a swamp and field and a couple of ridges. I can watch the first hour of light before work.
Natural scents are now illegal in SC. I had gotten away from using them years ago anyway. I have killed some deer using scents, but have watched many other deer spook at the smell. I just try my best to completely scent free all the time while stand hunting now. THey dont need any more advantages over us.
Apparently mostly wrong is how I used it. I have killed a ton of deer and never had any do what the ads say it should.
Virginia has now banned it, but in my experience it was the ultimate spike attractor, including one that sounded like a horse as he came running by me.

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Sometimes it works great. Most of the time it doesn’t and sometimes spooks deer.
I used to use it, but never had success with it. In my opinion, your best strategy is to play the wind so deer don't smell you as they cruise by. If you put urine out near you, the goal is to have them smell the urine and come walking to you, right? Well if the urine scent is blowing towards the deer, your scent is too. Thats just my take on it.
Less is more when it comes to scent in my opinion. Save your money and get some earth wafers to use as cover scent. Use the local does to draw the big boys...

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When the wife was still getting her monthly visit, I talked her in to giving me one of her “used” tampons. Hung it in a tree that evening and shot a nice 10 pt that had his nose stuck up to it.
Only time scent has ever worked for me and she’d kill he if she knew I posted this.