Comes from my fun money saved over time. I also utilized 0% credit cards and pay it off before the promotional period ends.
I’ve slowly upgraded stuff as I go. Last to get upgraded was camo clothing. I’ve enjoyed lighter weight, purpose built camo. Probably my favorite upgrade is a pair of Kowa 6x32 binos for squirrel hunting. Great glass, under $400, nice and compact.
I now find myself sometimes “looking” for an opportunity to spend on stuff that really won’t do anything better than what I currently am running.
Always have to pay yourself first (essentially pay a tax to yourself into retirement) and then it makes spending mostly guilt free.
I’ve slowly upgraded stuff as I go. Last to get upgraded was camo clothing. I’ve enjoyed lighter weight, purpose built camo. Probably my favorite upgrade is a pair of Kowa 6x32 binos for squirrel hunting. Great glass, under $400, nice and compact.
I now find myself sometimes “looking” for an opportunity to spend on stuff that really won’t do anything better than what I currently am running.
Always have to pay yourself first (essentially pay a tax to yourself into retirement) and then it makes spending mostly guilt free.