How do you deal with suicide....

Apr 4, 2017
north idaho
The funny thing is, everyone says they will be there on the internet, but in reality, those folks are very rarely there, when the person tries to talk.

Maybe, just maybe, be happy for them. They are no longer in pain.


Jun 13, 2019
The funny thing is, everyone says they will be there on the internet, but in reality, those folks are very rarely there, when the person tries to talk.

Maybe, just maybe, be happy for them. They are no longer in pain.
I think it is because you put yourself at incredible risk in dealing with it.

An old military guy was really down on his luck, lost his job, had drug and alcohol issues and ended up doing it.

He was calling out, I didn't want to get involved. Because I didn't want a Chris Kyle situation if I said the wrong thing.

You have to protect yourself, kids, family and friends.

It is challenging to get involved.


Jun 13, 2019
I don't have any remorse about it. The Chris Kyle thing made me even more callus about it.

Be careful with who you help.


Jan 23, 2022
Unfortunately, I believe it's become more prevalent now than in the past, between the availability of drugs, alcohol, and social media all play a role. Lack of services for people that need help, and society "demonizing" people who seek help also play a role. There is no straight answer out there, just be there for someone who may be struggling.


Aug 10, 2022
You do the best you can.
You talk with people.
You cry.
It will never get better, but time will, possibly, make it easier.
Every situation is different regardless how same they can be.
Stop trying to make sense out of it, and start trying to understand the demons that they’re dealing with.
It is hard to understand depression and anxiety if you’re not depressed or anxious.
Also understand that it’s not a “selfish” act. It’s one of desperation.
Guilt also plays a part in the understanding. I could have done this, I should have done that. I do that every day, and my wife more so.
Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn’t. Please don’t stop trying!
Two years ago my brother in-law, and I were waiting for my other brother in-law, to come out of the house so we could get on with our first hunt of the fall. Early muzzleloading season.
It was early, and still dark. In our area the constellation Orion is in the southern sky in the morning, and I pointed it out to him, and told him about Orion being the hunter. We both took it as a good sign for our first hunt.
Now every time I look in the southern sky and see Orion, I see Stu.
I say hello, and tell him I miss him, and that I wish he was here.
We’re coming to an end of our year of firsts. It is getting a little easier, but it is certainly not better, and never will be.


Mar 8, 2014
Growing up in my twenties my 2 best friends committed suicide. I was crushed. I was in bad place with lots alcohol. That will always on make things worse. I don't drink to this day because of it.


May 31, 2017
Go through the whole grieving process.

Hang on to the anger step for a stupid long amount of time though.


Jan 12, 2021
I think it's a mistake to think of people who do this are cowards. It's mental illness. In their mind, everything is so terrible, and they are so worthless that everyone would be better off without them. Your mind is powerful. It can create literal hell on earth that normal people don't understand. I've witnessed some terrible things firsthand with people I love. Complete delusion and hallucinations with no drugs or alcohol of any kind. These people committed violent acts, thought the government was after them, killed a pet that they thought had the devil in it, smashed everything in their house. Until you see someone you know, and trust completely lose their mind, it's hard to believe. Fortunately, they weren't killed by police, and after being hospitalized for a while, therapy and medication they recovered. I'm not busting on police, with what happened they would have been justified.
Sep 7, 2018
Not posting for pity. I'm more posting to remind you to talk to your friends, talk to those who you haven't heard from. Offer a listening ear or even just a hug or a text hello. Iv had 3 family members kill themselves in the last 5 years. 2 cousins which were brothers killed themselves same condo same way 2 years apart... Alcohol and depression was a big factor. Both had kids and ex wives... how could you be such a coward and leave your kids like that. Its been eating at me mentally the last few weeks since my cousin took his life and I cant seem to process it.. just kind of venting cause who do i talk to about this? just hug your family and hug your friends. stay mentally strong
Calling someone a coward is incredibly nearsighted. Until you’ve experienced living in a pit of despair that you can’t escape from, don’t put people down for what is often times mental illness. It’s not something you can explain or understand unless you’ve been there.
Beyond that, many times things like this can be hereditary. Counseling really does help, it’s not going to change the situation or what happened but it can change the way you’re able to process it and live with it. There’s a mental health crisis in America. There are a lot of avenues to approach this.
Do you have a doctor? Speak to them about it and they should be able to refer you to a counselor. Use, if you aren’t comfortable with any of this PM me and I’ll do whatever I can. I believe in men supporting men.


Dec 30, 2018
North Georgia
I commend you for posting this. My best friend committed suicide when we were in high school without any signs of warning. That was 15 years ago and sometimes it still cripples me. So many mixed emotions about it and honestly it's hard to talk about because you don't even know how you feel. I wish you peace brother