How do you deal with poor harvest rate in the field?

Dec 31, 2021
This year will be 50 years of elk hunting. The last 5 years has been tough weather wise and I have felt like I was two days behind nearly every day. We have suffered with erratic weather and weird elk movements but we keep at it. Thirty five days on horseback in the snow can challenge your determination. This year I will start to train a grandson. Another challenge!


Mar 1, 2012
I had a dry spell for a couple years with OTC archery elk. But I had a string of 20 successful years before that.
Broke the cycle the other day but even with some good tags this year, the excitement just isn’t there.
I was more excited to spend a few days with my son elk hunting and filling the tag was a bonus.

I can agree with Corblands post #23 above.

I have a cow moose tag coming up and a couple rifle buck tags after that.
We’ll see what happens


Jan 29, 2022
The West
This thread is worded differently than some of the others. But they all have the same " I did the homework, I did the work, wtf" kinda vibe to them.

I gotta wonder how many of them received participation trophy's as kids
Agreed, if it was a guaranteed kill every time out I think hunting would lose much of its thrill. At least for me. The best is when it looks/ feels like all your chips are down and you are done and then you spot that buck or hear that bugle and give it hell again! Had it work out great and also watched the clock tick and the sunset on un punched tags and that’s okay. Just adds logs to the fire in the off season and usually gives me some good stories about the ones that got away
Oct 19, 2017
Tons of boomers gave up hunting in the 90s when it got hard too.

I was more worried about crayons and recess in the early 90's:ROFLMAO:

The posts regardless how they are worded... They all seem to go the way of " I did the work so wtf"..They just kinda bug me. Might even bug me more than the use of the word "harvest". Yall are killing shit for sport. Yea yea you're goona eat it. But dont tell me you spent that much time and money on that lil meat just to feed your family! Nobody is buying that line of crap
Oct 19, 2017
Agreed, if it was a guaranteed kill every time out I think hunting would lose much of its thrill. At least for me. The best is when it looks/ feels like all your chips are down and you are done and then you spot that buck or hear that bugle and give it hell again! Had it work out great and also watched the clock tick and the sunset on un punched tags and that’s okay. Just adds logs to the fire in the off season and usually gives me some good stories about the ones that got away

A couple of my best hunts, no shots were fired
Dec 13, 2023
This^ I think people get way too wrapped up with how others are doing via social media, sometimes on hunting forums and remember comparison is the thief of joy. If it’s about killing. This go kill. If it’s about time spent out there then enjoy. If it’s about big racks then hunt animals that have them. I have 2 kiddos under 3 years old right now to say my hunting seasons have changed a bit in the last 3 years is a giant understatement. Went from 100+ days in the field to about 10 if im lucky… I do feel a little guilt when im away but not that much honestly. I have almost completely stopped waterfowl, upland, and predator hunting for the time being so I can big game hunt, remember it will get easier as the kids get older they can tag along some and make it a family adventure
First, let me explain.
I am an only "son".
I am also an only "grandson"!
So to say I got all the outdoor attentions would be kinda moot!

First time I can remember going hunting with my dad, I was 3 years old!
He would piggyback me up into the tree, wrap me in a blanket and tie me to the tree so I wouldn't go to sleep and fall! LOL!
I am coming up on my 74th birthday. So basically, I may not have actually "hunted", but hunting has been a part of my life for over 70 years!
Grampa retired when I was 8 years old.
When dad couldn't take me, grampa would.

I didn't kill my first deer until I was 16. I know all about the frustration of "poor harvest rate"!

Hnthrdr: another thing, start your kids on keeping a hunting journal NOW. If you haven't started your own, I can't think of a better time to start!

Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!