Memories you made in the last year?

30 year quest fulfilled.

First trip to Kansas bowhunting. Struggled for 5 days, saw few deer, let alone within bow range. Both my buddy and I ended up shooting decent bucks out of the same tree within 8 hours
Having my first child (boy). And putting a couple of dead deer and turkeys in front of him. He got to spend some time in the basement in his activity center watching me load the bullets (223, 77TMK of course) that shot the buck as well.

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My wife shot her first turkey on the last weekend of the season which was also her 50th birthday. It was so much fun and we had worked so hard to get her a bird all spring. She was so excited and proud of herself that she was able to do it. That Jake fan on the wall still makes her smile. It will be one of my favorite hunting memories ever.


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I had the most exciting and adrenalin filled moment this year while elk hunting. My buddy and I were cow calling in this small meadow on the side of the mountain when a bull finally bugled back. He was walking right up the drainage to us, I could hear him grunting and walking. I started getting the old buck fever, lol. I had to calm down and get ready to shoot but at the last moment the wind shifted and he went quiet. I wasn't our day but I am so thankful for the experience with my buddy who was also very excited.
Finding out that we will finally have a child (have had several miscarriages along our journey) , getting to spend 10 days bird hunting out of state with my best friend, shooting my biggest buck in the stand that I first hunted whitetail in with my best friend.
I’ve always wanted to see part of the orient, my Wife doesn’t do well in heat or humidity but She knew I wanted to go so She told me to do it. In the planning process my Niece, who had just graduated from college, asked if she could go. After a bit of thought I said yes. I told her this would be traveling out of a small backpack and staying in budget accommodations. She agreed so we spent a month in Thailand. It was a great trip and we got to know each other a lot better and I introduced her to how I think a person should travel. And, I made her eat things, including insects, that were out of her comfort zone. IMG_0168.jpeg
My daughter (22) bought her first house so I spent a lot of the summer remodeling it with her. Very proud of her!


My son was able to draw a great tag and killed an awesome buck. And my brother was able to grab a tag for the same hunt and also killed a great buck.


My wife and I decided to host an exchange student from Italy for the year. He and our son are having a blast in their senior year together.


Did a few hikes with my best friend (wife) since she loves hiking.


At the beginning of the season I set a goal to make the top ten in at least one NRL match. I exceeded that goal and had a great season finishing on the podium three times. This was my first.

Our oldest child grew and got married this year. Definitely bitter/ sweet. I preached her wedding. Drove them away from wedding to the church I pastored in our 1956 Ford Fairlane.

Spent 5 days camping and muzzleloader hunting pronghorn in Colorado with our 12 year old son.

Introduced my lab to real hunting environment after countless hours training her from a 8 week old puppy. Hunted pheasants in SD late October early Nov. Took her on her first real duck hunt yesterday in home state of Oklahoma.

Also made another ministry trip up north the the tribal reservation. Gave away clothes, shoes, blankets, Bibles.
Me, my father and my oldest daughter's stepdad all worked together to build her first house. We're all a bunch of assholes that like to do things our own way but we made it work and had a good time (mostly). Finishing touches are going on this week and then it's done.

My other memorable time this year was letting my youngest daughter skip school so we could load up on Shovelnose sturgeon while they were spawning. I smoked the meat and it was amazing. My wife processed all the caviar and it was great too. We felt like royalty for about a month.

Man I’ve got to tell ya the top part of this post is pretty awesome. She’s got men in her life
Just to sit at his camp fire and hear the stories !!!! You two have had a rich life together.

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Funny, his name is Rich (Richard, goes by Richie mostly). And yes, it would take me months to type up the hunting and fishing stories through my life with him. And to hear some of the stories before I was even born are legendary.
Got to spend 2 weeks in Alaska with my lovely wife, my parents, my sister in law and 3 other friends. 1 week Fairbanks to Anchorage traveling by train. 2nd week on a cruise ship. Adventure of a lifetime with people I love. 1735529270549.jpeg


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Warning: Lots of pictures. It's too hard not to share after thinking back on all of the stuff we did this year.20240524_133506.jpg20240613_160131.jpgIMG_4142.jpg20240731_154801.jpg20240812_110442.jpg20240920_152129.jpg20240907_100607.jpg20241130_112549.jpg

It was a pretty great year. This summer was full of fishing with my wife and kids, as well as going out on the pontoon boat with my dad. Good times. My oldest and only son (turned 7) bought his first .22 and passed hunter safety and managed to practice up on enough ground squirrels to kill a good handful of grouse and squirrels to eat.

I had an awesome time camping and fishing with my wife a couple of times this summer/fall, and then shooting whitetails for our anniversary was a great way to top off the year.
My cousin is stationed in Texas and drew an elk tag for New Mexico. He asked if I wanted to come help him on the hunt (duh). I’m from central MN where there are no mountains or any real vast land masses. Saw nearly 20 elk the first day, along with plenty of oryx, mulies and steer. Lots of pressure and a full moon sent the elk packing and we didn’t see anything the second day.

Day three we went to a totally different area and we were trying to get a cow from a group we glassed. In the process we kicked up this bull and my cousin dropped it running at ~145 yards. Would have been a 6x6 but it had one snapped off and another partially snapped. I’ve always loved camping and hiking but never put in as many miles as this trip. 38 miles in 3 days.

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