How do you carry binos?

Apr 2, 2013
Posting on behalf of my wife. First and foremost she's not a hunter. She's not against getting out but she's not totally sure it's something she can/wants to do.

She does how ever really love shooting her bow and going on hikes. I am upgrading my binos and she wants me to keep my binos so that she can use them when we shoot TAC or go hiking.

Curious how other ladies are carrying their binos. She's not completely sold on my FHF FOB bino harness. She likes it but doesn't love it. She doesn't like the way it sits and carries. She has asked me how else she can carry it. I showed her the camera strap method of carry and the purse sling method like many target archers use. We are still exploring those.

I don't know enough if its just a preference thing perhaps just something she needs time to get accustomed to. I just figured I would ask here before I start buying every harness in existence for her to test.
I like the Sitka and marsupial bino harnesses. They are very slim profile so it’s not a lot of extra bulk.

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Look for a military surplus gas mask bag the older type it has a waist strap and a leg tie down that would allow for a high thigh carry
Have a pic?

I like the Sitka and marsupial bino harnesses. They are very slim profile so it’s not a lot of extra bulk.

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Thank you. She found it very uncomfortable on the chest and felt like it was always in the way. I wasn't sure if it was the bulk or the inexperience using them. I was eyeballing another Stone Glacier harness since they are extremely low bulk.
There are various types just search military gas mask bags, hell I am lucky I can respond to these types of questions let alone post pics. My personal bino set up is a chest type from Blacks Creek, but have used the thigh type carry on a few occasions when I was still working and in the Marine Corps Not for Binos but the actual gas mask.
Have a pic?

Thank you. She found it very uncomfortable on the chest and felt like it was always in the way. I wasn't sure if it was the bulk or the inexperience using them. I was eyeballing another Stone Glacier harness since they are extremely low bulk.
I get that, I think she just needs to get used to them. I hated having something on my chest, but find if I don’t have any attached pockets it makes it better. Good luck!
I realize chest rigs the size of a pickup’s glove box are all the rage, to each their own, and even I have to concede there must be some value in them based on the popularity. However, from my first wife’s perspective, she would rather have light weight 8x21 compact binoculars hanging on a simple 5/16” wide leather neck strap - the smooth factory strap might have even been 1/4” wide. Her Leicas gave up a small amount in the darkest part of the day, but she seemed to see most things quite well.
I have a chest rig if I’m sitting on an open field.
It houses my 10x 42s and I like it as it also has my rangefinder and some other accoutrements.
I do a lot of walking/still hunting and for that I use my 8x32s and they have a piece of paracord that has been stripped of its innards and has a toggle so I can adjust it up just under my chin enough so that I can pull it up one handed to my eyes.
I just can’t use the chest rig walking as it tends to bother my lower back and the 8x32s are perfect for the close woods
I just zip my outer shell down enough to stuff the binos in and off to one side. They are out of my way till I want them and tend to fog up less because they are warm. If I put cold binos up to my face they fog within a few seconds even when using Catcrap on the lenses. I don't understand how those chest rigs work for folks in cold weather.
Thanks all. I picked her up a Marsupial harness for christmas. so she can try it out more and we can set it up oerfectly to her.. Worst case I will now have a second harness. 😅😉
Chest rig. The one made in Alaska I can't remember the name of. I have 3 of them from them various sizes.
My wife seems to like the older style harnesses with elastic straps that cross in the back. I think Votex and others have something similar or PM me. They can ride lower just below their chest and quite comfortable I think for ladies. The other option is carrying lighter binoculars on a short neck strap. I something like 7x26, 8x25 or 10x25. The strap should just barely fits over her head. They don’t swing around and are very handy to use and not enough weight to wear her out. Good luck