How do you carry binos?

Apr 2, 2013
Posting on behalf of my wife. First and foremost she's not a hunter. She's not against getting out but she's not totally sure it's something she can/wants to do.

She does how ever really love shooting her bow and going on hikes. I am upgrading my binos and she wants me to keep my binos so that she can use them when we shoot TAC or go hiking.

Curious how other ladies are carrying their binos. She's not completely sold on my FHF FOB bino harness. She likes it but doesn't love it. She doesn't like the way it sits and carries. She has asked me how else she can carry it. I showed her the camera strap method of carry and the purse sling method like many target archers use. We are still exploring those.

I don't know enough if its just a preference thing perhaps just something she needs time to get accustomed to. I just figured I would ask here before I start buying every harness in existence for her to test.